Holiday card

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Whumpee didn't have a lot of, well, anything, but they had love in their heart so they hoped that would be enough when they wrote Caretaker a heartfelt thank you letter for the Holidays.

As they opened their many presents of soft blankets and delicious teas, they began to worry more and more that they would be shouted at or worse, ignored and shamed once Caretaker saw what a measly present they had prepared.

Whumpee held back tears as they handed their envelope to Caretaker with shaking hands.

Caretaker opened the hand painted card and upon reading the kind words, tears began to spill from their eyes. Whumpee saw this and cried themselves, throwing themselves at Caretaker's feet apologizing profusely for their poor representation of their love and adoration. Caretaker cupped Whumpee's face and asked "why are you crying, dear?"

"Well, you hate it. Right?" "No? It's very sweet, Whumpee, I never knew half the things you put in here. Thank you."

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