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Idk if this is dumb or not but what about a Whumpee who can see creatures from another plane of existence after some sort of life-altering event.

Example: Whumper electrocutes Whumpee and they go to the Halfway Point between worlds. There are demons and angels and creatures that follow people around in Whumpee's plane and Whumpee has some sort of epiphany that sometimes we are not acting on our own accord but on the behest of what follows us. They get pulled back when they're resuscitated and see a hulking demon over the shoulder of Whumper grinning at Whumpee bc they know Whumpee can see them. Whumper is confused by the sudden uptick in fear whenever they enter the room compared to annoyance. Especially when the source of the fear is waiting in the doorway or just behind Whumper. Whumper could potentially be treated with pity, something could be said like "I know you can't help it. They won't let you be free." And Whumper is like ???

Idk maybe something about freeing Whumper from the demon and they become New Caretaker? Bc Whumpee is permanently disabled from the significant shock that had nearly killed them and New Caretaker dedicates their life to taking care of Whumpee and their needs, maybe the demon is replaced with an angel or perhaps a creature representing Whumper's past trauma that is vulnerable and not a demon? Unless the demon IS the vulnerability from their past trauma.

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