Codependent whumpees

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Consider two whumpees that make it out alive from Whumper's clutches. They recover together in the same hospital, demanding to sleep in the same room. The nurses tell them they can each have their own room for privacy. The whumpees say no. Together is private enough. To keep them from escaping to the other's rooms, the nurses get special permission to keep them in the same room. They cannot be without each other. Eventually, they are released from the hospital and move in together. Are they involved romantically? No. Traumatically bonded? Yes. And they'll live out their days recovering quietly together in support of one another.

Imagine One having nightmares and Two coming in knowing exactly what to do. The next day, Two doesn't feel like eating and One makes Two's comfort meal without prompt, out of instinct. One and Two have therapy and drive each other to the appointments for comfort. On occasion, they have group therapy with each other.

Everyone thinks they're a couple, but the reality is that they can't live without the other after such a harrowing experience.

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