Baby Pt 11 - Sleep Strike

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Cw: manhandling, noncon drugging by eye drops

"My dove, please, it's so late. You'll feel sooo much better if you just close your eyes for a small rest. Let BiBi and ZaZa do the same. We can read more in the morning. How does that sound?"

Whumpee kicked over a pile of already-read books. "NO!" And with that, began to wail once more. The past two nights had been difficult to say the least. The pair of Whumpers were desperate to find a solution that didn't include drugging poor Whumpee repeatedly as it seemed to be having an effect on their mental wellbeing. Once shy and fearful, now unhappy and needy, this sudden change was not one they were prepared for. They spoke with psychologists and psychiatrists on what could have happened. They agreed that through the combination of trauma and the residual effects of the medications, that their sweet Baby was turning into someone they hardly knew anymore. They had to find new methods lest they cause even more harm.

Sighing, BiBi motioned to ZaZa to get the drops once more. ZaZa mouthed "you sure?" as they were fully aware that the Baby's condition would only worsen. Sadly, BiBi shook their head. They couldn't stay up another night. Going that long without sleep would cause the Baby to get sick. BiBi and ZaZa were struggling as well. While they slept in shifts, they weren't running at full capacity.

"Come sit in BiBi's lap, we'll read another book, mkay?" Happily, Whumpee obliged until they saw what ZaZa had in their hands. They were fast but BiBi was faster due to lack of sleep on Whumpee's part. Two strong arms snaked around Whumpee and held them still as Whumpee shrieked out of anger.

Hands shaking from exhaustion, ZaZa missed with the first drops, they rolled down Whumpee's face. "Dammit!"

Holding back their frustration, BiBi calmly said, " it's ok, just try again."

Taking a deep breath, they steadied their hands and held Whumpee's face, aiming and succeeding in once more, drugging their captive. Whumpee wriggled, first violently, but then slowed as the drugs entered their system. They fell back against BiBi who gave a gentle kiss before picking them up and carrying them to the caged crib. Laying them inside with the utmost carefulness, they looked at ZaZa and said tearfully, "I don't know how much longer we can do this. What if-"

"Don't even finish that sentence. None of that. I'm going to pick up some melatonin in the morning. Maybe we can crush it and put it in their dinner. Let's work smarter, not harder. I'll see you in the morning."

Nodding, BiBi took one last look at the sleeping prisoner before crashing in their own room for the night.

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