Baby pt 1 The muzzle

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Cw: muzzling, mentions of being bitten and describing of a bite wound

"Don't put that on me," Whumpee snarled, "in fact, don't even come near me with that shit. I'll bite you. I will." Whumpee attempted to sound as menacing as possible, trying to hide the fact that they were shaken to the bone.

One minute, they're enjoying feeding the ducks at the park, the ducks scatter and a large hand with a cloth comes over their face and now.. they're here. Wherever here is.. About to be muzzled.

"Oh I know darling, that's why I have this-" and Whumper pulled up their sleeve to reveal a blooming, purple bruise with two arcs of teeth marks.

"oh" Whumpee said quietly. They never thought themselves to actually be a violent person. This right now was all bark. No bite.. well, never mind. "Yeah. Oh." Whumper snarked back. "Hold still for me now, before it gets worse, dearie."

Whumpee reared back as the muzzle drew closer to their head but strong hands from the back were waiting to catch them. A second person. They weren't getting out of this.

The muzzle slipped on as Whumper 1 cooed at them, "theeerrrrreee we go, good job. You took it like a champ. I'm so proud."

Tears streamed down Whumpee's cheeks as they turned to face both captors.

Towering above Whumpee, they cooed and giggled at their ill-begotten prize. "Ohhhh what a sweetheart. We did a good job!" "Don't cry now, it'll all be ok."

Arms extended toward the crying Whumpee and picked them up, cradling them close. What the fuck?

Gradually, they stopped their sobbing as the Whumpers spoke in hushed tones to them.

Were they being.. rocked? They were definitely being comforted by these two strangers who took them.

Looking up through confused, wet eyes, they made eye contact with one of the Whumpers who smiled down at them. "That's it, that's our baby."

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