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"Whumpee?...... Whumpeeeee?"

They're coming for me, where to hide, where to hiDEEE

"Honey, would you like some breakfast?"

No response. That's unlike Whumpee. Time to investigate.

Looking into the pale blue bedroom, Caretaker scanned the room quickly for hiding spots. So far, there were three options that stood out. Under the bed, in the closet, or in the armoire that was breathing heavily. *sigh*

"Sweetheart, it's me, Caretaker. I'm making pancakes, would you like yours with or without chocolate chips?" Caretaker offered, still standing at the threshold of the room. They tried not to invade Whumpee's space out of respect for what little they had before this but sometimes, they had to override that and do their due diligence to be sure Whumpee was ok.

Is this a trick? I never get pancakes. Whumper really must think I'm dumb if they think I'll fall for this. No, I'm staying in here.

Crossing the room slowly, they announced their presence. "Whumpee, it's just a flashback. You are not being held captive, you are hiding in an armoire and it is time for breakfast. I'm coming to help you out of there, it's me, Caretaker."

This is a trick. I'm not safe, I need something to protect myself-

The door of the armoire opened and Whumpee pressed themselves against the back as a fury of fists and feet exploded from between the clothes.

"Whumpee! Whumpee PLEASE! Safe hands! Safe hands!"

Caretaker tried to block and redirect Whumpee's heartbreaking attempt at protecting themself while still protecting them. They stepped back to catch their breath when Whumpee saw their chance and ran. Caretaker caught their arms from behind and slid into a restraint, slowly lowering the struggling bundle of tears and expletives to the floor.

"Breathe with me, it's going to be ok. You're really worked up right now, we need to lay here and breathe until you're ok."


"Shhhh breathe in with me" *deep inhale* "and out" *deep exhale.*

Eventually, screams turned into cries, cries turned into whimpers, and whimpers turned into shuddering breaths as Whumpee blinked their tears away. They looked up at Caretaker and said "I did it again. I'm sorry. How bad was I?"

"Bad? You're never bad. You had a tough time and put up one helluva fight though! I'm sure you gave Whumper a run for their money!"

They both giggled.

"Are you ready to get up now?"


"Would you like chocolate chips in your pancakes?"

"Would o say anything other than yes?"

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