Chapter 45: Mirror

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Ivy's POV

We spend the entire day in bed.

I cried for the first part of it, but then I was able to get myself together when Kai ordered room service. Then I convinced him to watch Vampire Diaries since he hadn't seen it which is crazy in my opinion.

"Okay, so remember her because she's going to be important," I demand when Katherine is mentioned.

"I don't think I've ever seen you so passionate about something."

"Look, it's Damon!" I repeatedly slap his chest.

"Most emotion too," he coughs.

My mouth drops in offense. "I just fucking cried my eyes out with you!"

"What are we?" he tests.

"More than friends," I choose one of the options running through my head.

"So you wouldn't care if I-."

"Don't you dare finish that sentence. I will fucking kill you," I quickly retort if a thought like that even crosses his mind.

He smirks as I peacefully lay back against his chest after placing my threat that he better know I mean.

"Also, this is an awful way to spend your vacation. We should've stayed at the beach," I complain about how everything went to shit in the span of a few hours.

"So you could've avoided what happened even more?"

I roll my eyes. "No, so we could've taken advantage of you having time off."

"We still have tonight and tomorrow morning," he reminds me which is true.

"Let's go to the hot tub. Unless that's not enough for a beach booking kind of guy."

He softly chuckles, the sound bringing my heart out of my fucking chest.

Like I said, I quit.

Suddenly, I'm lifted into the air and carried out to the deck.

I laugh before Kai sets me down and turns on the jets. I take the button-down off since I never changed out of my bathing suit and sit inside the hot tub before Kai takes his shirt off and joins me.

I straddle him instantly because his need for physical touch is getting rubbed off on me. He's all on board though by how quickly he grabs me by the hips to help me adjust.

"I have a question. How come you give all this shit to the guys about relationships, yet I've never seen you with someone before?" I've always wondered this because you would expect Kai to be in the most relationships.

"I've been with people before I got the job. But I was in high school back then. And now, it's hard to find someone who would be okay with me going to work so much or just my job in general. Most of us on the team know that except-," he pauses, and immediately, I realize he's talking about Theo.

"How are you doing about that? He was your friend too, you know. And don't bring up the him being your employee bullshit," I warn.

Worse for Love- Book #3 in the WF SeriesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin