Chapter 7: Secret

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Ivy's POV

"Kai?" I open the car a smidge just in case I'm seeing wrong. The taser is still in my other hand for anything coming my way.

"I think you dislocated my intestines," he groans.

Oh, so it is him. Oops.

I open my door fully now.

"Hey, do you know anything about cars?" I question.

He gathers himself together fairly quickly, staring at me with a baffled expression because I did hit him with my car door and am now asking him about his knowledge of vehicles.

"Did you forget the part where you just hit me in the gut?"

"Now you know what cramps feel like." I shrug him off.

He stands up straight now, blowing air out of his lungs as rain falls on him. His hair is dripping. I doubt he cares right now though because he looks completely horrified that I'm here right now. Like I wanted to be in this hellhole in the first place.

"Why are you on the side of the road?"

"Oh, you know. Felt like having a picnic." Sarcasm. The key to having fun in shitty situations.

"What are you doing here?" he repeats more clearly, not in the mood for sarcasm apparently.

Who just almost died? Not him. Actually, I did hit him with a door. He'll live.

And then it hits me.

"Are you a part of that experimenting building?!" I point back with my thumb.

Kai raises an eyebrow slightly and then realizes what I'm speaking about.

"Yeah...that's where we experiment with lotions. It's a part-time job."

"You seem as sure of that as I was at fourteen, telling everyone that I was completely straight." I fold my arms accusingly.

He rolls his eyes at me.

"Okay, fine. Let's go see if one of your fellow lotion testers knows how to fix my car." I begin to walk towards the building when suddenly, my wrist is grabbed and I'm pulled back.

I stop a few feet away from him, watching the water pour down his high cheekbones.

"I think there are some things in the building that could help. I'll go get them," he says almost urgently.

"What? You want me to stand in the rain all by myself? Or would you rather have me sit back in my car and wait for someone to fucking kidnap me?"

Kai looks like he's arguing with himself.

Like he's choosing between life or death even though all I need is to fix my car so I can get in a nice, warm shower and then get in bed.

"You'll need to stand outside."

"Is that big of a fucking deal if I step inside?" I'm already irritated by my car breaking down, and him acting like this isn't making any of that irritation go away.

"Okay, listen to me. I'm going to show you something, but you can't tell anyone," he demands more assertive than usual.

"Please tell me you're not going to show the way you test that lotion out," I plead in disgust.

He sighs. "Ivy, I'm serious. This can actually never be told to anyone. And I mean anyone. Not your family, not your friends. Nobody. And that means legally."

Legally? What the hell is he about to show me?

I am so confused. But then again, how bad can a factory that makes lotion be?

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