Chapter 13: Club

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Ivy's POV

It's been a few weeks since New York.

Kai...Eldon and I have barely spoken, not that I want to speak to that dick.

What is up with men telling women what they want? When did this become a thing and can we please stop it? Unless you are a fucking psychic, I don't want to hear the words "this is what's best for you" out of any man's mouth.

Anyways, ever since then, I've been focusing on school. Kind of. Okay, I obviously have been thinking about that case because I'm a human for god sake. I'm not just going to move on like it never happened. That doesn't mean I'm thinking about anything besides the woman who was wheeled out or her victims.

Ever since I got back from New York, Eliza has been asking me about Kai...Eldon, but I've told her that he's been super busy with school so we won't be seeing much of each other for a while. It's better than the alternative. Her giving me life lessons on why love is real or finding me someone who I have no interest in even liking as a human being. She and Garrett seem to be doing great, meaning she's too focused on him to catch on to my lie anyways.

I may have lied, though, about the focusing on school only. In reality, I might be avoiding Kai...Eldon on purpose.

Okay, I'm petty. I like to make people know that they're in the wrong when I know I'm right which happens...well, all the time. So, I like to throw in a few jabs here and there.

One time, the group was having a conversation and I maybe threw in that men making decisions for women is disgusting while slightly having a staring contest with him for a second.

He didn't react.

Instead, he responded with how he agreed, but then also threw in a subtle hint about how when someone actually does know what's best, then they have a right to say something about it.

My hands were twitching to reach for my taser.

Then, we went to this party. Now this is where it gets weird.

There was this really pretty girl who was looking at me. So of course, I did what any sane person would do and was going with her to wherever she was taking me, but when I looked back, I noticed Kai's face turn from his normal smiley expression to a darker one only for a mere second.

And for some odd reason, I liked it.

My life never revolves around men and it never will. That moment, though, would not leave my head. The girl and I didn't even do anything. She brought this other blonde guy in and I wanted no part in that.

Then, and this is off-topic but crazy.

We met this new girl named Alaiya. Drop fucking dead gorgeous. I'm talking better than model level. Her curls, her cheekbones; her basically everything.

While we were at the table, trying to figure out what project we should do for our English class, Rider, Legend, Roman, Kai, and I all introduced ourselves to Alaiya. I don't think I've ever heard Kai...Eldon do this, but he asked her if she was single.

Why it made my stomach churn? I have yet to find the answer.

Maybe it's because I don't like it when men ask that question. Yeah...yeah that has to be it.

She answered, but her response threw me off. You're never going to guess this, but it involves a man. Shocking, I know. Because that species always brings rainbows and sunshine wherever it goes.

Anyways, remember that guy the girl brought to the party I was talking about? Well, we learned that the blonde guy was Alaiya's boyfriend of five years. I was so ready to beat his ass for her, but then we also learned that they are in an open relationship. I don't like to judge relationships because you do whatever makes you comfortable.

Worse for Love- Book #3 in the WF SeriesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang