Chapter 52: Body Bag

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Ivy's POV

I wait against the car as Kai is inside.

If any shots are heard, so help me, I will go inside and kill every single person in there. There's no way we went through all of that in such a short amount of time for nothing. I was in sweatpants!

The building is in the middle of fucking nowhere, and the only reason I'm not gripping onto my taser is because one, no one knows about this place and two, there are probably thousands of agents in there who all have guns most likely.

The door opens, and I'm expecting it to be somebody else like it has been the last ten times, but then I see the familiar blonde hair.

I close the distance between us immediately.

"What happened?" I ask worriedly, my first thought being that he's about to say goodbye again.

"They gave me a warning. A big one, but they can't do anything now that I'm married and was handling family business."

My heart is finally starting again.

The million-pound weight on my shoulder has at last been lifted, and I can finally allow myself to breathe.

I pull him into my arms as water fills my eyes, not just because of all of this ending, but also the realization that he hasn't been dead and he's with me right now, in my arms, as my husband.

"I'm so sorry for putting you through all of that, love," he says into my neck, emotion caught in his throat.

"It wasn't your fault."

"I got my phone back. Everyone's been texting me."

My eyes widen slightly.

"Ivy, when was the last time you ate?"

I pull away, not making direct eye contact.

"Okay, when you think your boyfriend died because of a bomb, I'm sure the last thing on your mind is food," I retort, defending myself because it was a very stressful situation.

"Let's go." He guides me to his car urgently.

He goes on his phone for a second before pulling out of the parking lot and taking us to a random ass hotel.

I get a phone call when Kai parks the car.

"Ivy, where are you? Roman told me that you're with Kai. I thought you guys broke up. Is everything okay? Do you need me to get you? Where are you?!" Alaiya starts rambling into the phone instantly at a hundred miles per hour.

"Lying in a body bag."

"Ivy," Alaiya sighs at my horrible timing, realizing that everything hasn't completely gone to hell. Kai shakes his head at me in disappointment.

What? It was a little funny.

"I'm fine. Kai and I..." I look over at him because we never rehearsed this. "We got into a fight but it's okay because he got on his knees and begged for me back." I grin at Kai who sends me a playful glare.

"So you're alright?"

"I'm fine." I think I can hear her heart beating again through the line.

"Okay, good."

"Oh, and tell him that I will kill him if he ever hurts you like that again."

Damn, I didn't even know Alaiya could ever say something like that. The threat even sounded sweet coming out of her mouth.

Worse for Love- Book #3 in the WF SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now