Chapter 54: Love

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Ivy's POV

A few years later:

I think I may be losing my fucking mind in this office. If I don't leave soon, I'm definitely going crazy.

After contemplating it for a while, I realized that going to college and living the experience may be fun, but I need time to get my career started. I have a risky job, and I need as much experience as possible for future clients I may have. So I earned my degree early after hard work, summer classes, and online ones which almost kicked my ass. Almost. I managed through though.

That's why we are currently standing in the official IOB building—a small one, let's not get ahead of ourselves. I designed the hell out of every fabric I owned and made half of what I needed to buy this place, and then my mom also contributed with the savings she had kept for me.

I needed an office because I couldn't keep all of my fabrics in Kai and I's apartment. I was taking up so many rooms.

This office is where I keep all my fabrics, machines, and designs that are already finished for clients. Usually, I just come here to design and not to sell, but today is a big day for me.

I am the luckiest fucking person to have met Selma because not only did she teach me so much, but she also was there for me when I opened this building up a few months ago which brought a lot of attention towards me and what I create. I had to make a lot of content on social media to promote myself. I basically became my own manager, and this manager landed herself to earn the biggest paycheck I have ever received in my entire life.

I worked my ass off and did that.

I hope my dad is watching over me and seeing all the progress I'm making. He better fucking be. I know he would be proud. I only wish I could see him when he said it to my face, but he always made me feel like he was proud of me no matter what I did, so the image isn't too far out of reach.

The lady who purchased this design from me which she found on my website deposited her check, meaning I got to make my first-ever big purchase. I don't spend money easily unless it's Kai's of course because as my husband, that is his duty, but what I bought was totally worth it and I don't regret it one bit.

I was actually on my way home to show it to him, but somebody decided to surprise me at work before I could leave.

My smile appears the second I see him walk through the door—no embarrassment over how giddy I get. Only pure joy. Okay, maybe a little disgust about how mushy I've become, but I can't change completely.

"What are you doing here?" I ask as I'm putting my bag on my shoulder.

He holds up an iced matcha latte with a huge-ass grin—one that I love with my entire heart.

My mouth drops because I wanted one this morning, but I had so much on my mind with the design being sold that I forgot about it. I've been stressed sometimes for no reason these past few weeks.

"I love you so much!" I hug him instantly.

I don't know why, but such a nice gesture has me feeling really weird.

I almost feel as if I'm going to...cry. Or throw up. That should never be confused with one another.

What the hell? Ivy, he got you a latte? What's going on? I didn't say anything about the I love you part, but this is next fucking level.

"I'm glad you like drinking leaves," he chuckles before pulling away.

He does it too quickly for me to cover up the water gathering in my eyes for no reason whatsoever.

Worse for Love- Book #3 in the WF SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now