Chapter 33: Revenge

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Kai's POV

I've been in my office all day and all night.

I texted Ivy, but she didn't respond at all which is weird because the longest she takes is usually an hour. She said she hated her phone looking disorganized and it makes her feel weird if she doesn't read every single text on her phone.

The reason I've been in said office is because I can't stop opening my phone to see if she responded, thus resulting in my work not being completed at the time it should have.

It's become an obsession and I'm actually worried. Especially because she didn't even hear me about to say what I had been keeping from her this morning.

On top of that, while I was telling her, she was actually treating me differently and asking me to stay. She would've never done that before and telling her I'm moving away wasn't going to make that a permanent thing. But I still tried. She fell asleep and didn't hear what I had said, but I tried and convinced myself that it was done on purpose.

It definitely wasn't. It was just me finding an excuse for being a coward.

I walk out of my office and see Agent Kennedy on my way home with a stack of files in her hands.

"Done for the day?" she asks.

"I sent some files for you and Luke to review. I'll come in later, but I need those organized by then."

"Yes, sir." Agent Kennedy nods, about to step away, but suddenly stops in her tracks.

"Oh, Ivy stopped by," she decides to inform me now.

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" I feel my heartbeat begin to relax the second I hear that she's alright.

"She said she would see you tomorrow. We brought up the move, and she left right af-."

"Fuck," I immediately curse, realizing simultaneously why she hasn't responded and that she is in fact ignoring me. For good reason too.

Agent Kennedy's face turns blank, afraid that she did something wrong when really, it's all my fault. I shouldn't have kept this a secret from her for this long.

"I have to go. Finish the file I sent you." I walk away and drive home quickly to say hello to my mom and Josie and then go over to the hotel.

She's going to kill me.


Ivy's POV

Today's the day.

Today is the day when I become a full-on murderer.

I took the night to organize my feelings, and I'm sad to admit that I am in fact not one of those people who ponder over things to have a calmer approach. I'm the type to realize different approaches in which I can curse somebody out. If that doesn't make me the bigger person, I truly do not care.

I woke up bright and early (I couldn't sleep), did my leg workout (planned the ways I can yell at Kai the entire time), went home, showered (thought of ways murder can be executed), got dressed (told myself how dumb I was for getting involved with him), and now I'm heading over to a dick's house who basically proved that I should've never trusted him.

I need to listen to my gut more often. I should've known I was right the entire time.

I walk to his door and knock, taking in a deep breath to prepare my lungs for what's about to come out of them.

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