Chapter 50: Enterance

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Ivy's POV

"Thank god you're home," Luke sighs out in relief. "We need to talk."

I step out of the room and into the hall since everyone else is still asleep.

I brace myself to hear the news.

He's going to tell me he's dead. This is what they probably do. I didn't think they would because of the type of case this was, but maybe because I know Luke and everyone else, they're being decent human beings.


I don't know if I'll be able to handle it. I should've just ignored the knock and continued staring at my spot on the wall for all of eternity.

"Look, Ivy, I think you're one of the best things that's happened to him, and I understand if it's a lot. He loves you and doesn't want you to be forced into anything, but if you just did it for a year-." his voice is louder than his normal, sweet one, and each word he speaks desperately, I get more and more confused.

Why isn't he telling me he's dead? Why hasn't he given me the news yet? What is he talking about?

Forced into what? Does crying a lot give you hallucinations? I think that's what's happening.

"Luke-." I'm about to ask him what he's so angry about with my arms folded over my chest, but he simultaneously cuts me off.

"Maybe a month or two and I'm sure the agency wouldn't be able to do anything. You wouldn't even have to see him if you didn't want to, but-," he keeps talking like I have any clue what he's going on about.

"Luke!" I shout, now frustrated because he won't let me speak. "What the fuck are you talking about?!" I finally say, my heart beating out of my chest.

Luke stares at me blankly, that scene in movies when two people are arguing about something that the first person doesn't know about and the second person thinks they're fully aware of happening right now.

He sighs, his hand over his eyes as he faces the ceiling, realizing that I, in fact, have never been more clueless or hostile in my entire life. And if I don't find out immediately, I'm fucking losing it.

"Ivy, Kai didn't go on the case. He broke his contract and now, the head of the agency is trying to find him since he's on the run."


"Shit. He probably didn't say anything because he didn't want you to know that there was only one way he could get out of this."

He's alive!

Wait, Kai didn't say there was a way he could get out of this. Even when we were at the park and I asked if he could do something to not get in trouble when he didn't go on a case, he said there was no solution.

Why wouldn't he tell me there was a way out?

Out of all the questions and anger running through my mind at a hundred miles per hour, there is one main thing that I can't let go of no matter how furious I am.

That's he's actually alive.

He's still here.


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