Chapter 32: Notification

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Ivy's POV

An alarm goes off, and I know for damn sure that it isn't mine because I knew I needed sleep and didn't set one for that reason.

I stir away, forgetting for only a second that Kai is beside me which is why I don't panic when a man's arm is tightly secured me.

I watch him instantly turn it off and get up, not even checking his text messages or anything.

He's like a machine.

"You're leaving?" I ask, my eyes half shut and my body suddenly cold.

"Go back to sleep, love." He pushes the hair out of my face. "I'll text you later." A kiss lands on my forehead.

"No." I shake my head, pulling him back because I'm obviously delirious and becoming his bitch which is not acceptable. "Five more minutes." I pull him back by his arm and put it around me again like it's my personal blanket.

"Ivy, I have to go to work," he softly argues, but he's in his old position and I don't want him to leave it again.

"Tell Agent Rivers to deal with the drug dealers on his own."

I love waking up early, I do. I am a very productive person. I'm just on a very low amount of sleep and when that happens, I don't like people disrupting it.

Right now, Kai leaving and not holding me is doing just that.

"Five minutes." He kisses my cheek.



"An hour or two."

He shoots a glare at me which I can sort of see through my sleepy vision.

"What's the point of a self-care night if you can't sleep in the next day?"

"I thought you didn't like sappy shit," he uses my own words against me.

"I don't. You're just warm." I smile into the side of his said warm chest. "Can we do this every Sunday? God, you're so much better than my blanket."

He doesn't say anything for a second.

I feel his body constrict which must be because he's cold or something.

"Ivy, I have to tell you something," he says gently. I think. Maybe I made it up.

After I spoke and made my point clear, all my thoughts went away and I slowly began to see darkness overcome my eyes.


I walk into my designing class, but see everyone standing up and leaving in unison.

"Hey, where are you going?" I ask Mike; a guy who I've spoken to a few times for group projects.

"Have you not checked your email? Professor Smith doesn't work here anymore."

My eyes widen instantly.

"What?!" I exclaim, standing out of the way so everyone can leave. Mike does the same.

"Yeah, apparently Sophia tried to contact Chancellor Davis to see where is. I mean, most of us took this class because he's had experience in the industry, but he didn't give her a definite answer about why he isn't a part of the faculty anymore. Just that it was sudden and we wish him the best."

I can't believe this?! How does a professor just up and quit one random day? Usually they say some type of farewell or the school has a better explanation than what they gave us.

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