Chapter 23: Bed

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Kai's POV

"That was some good luck kiss you guys had going on," Agent Cooper says once we're parked and the surveillance is set up.

All the agents have officially surrounded the building. Ivy is waiting in the car for my go signal with Agent Kennedy and Theo. Luke is keeping track of the cameras and is ready for any alarms he may have to pull to make sure Ivy gets out of there safely.

I'm cursing at myself for saying what I did about the plane, and not because I didn't mean it. I'm mad at myself because I did.

I shouldn't get involved with her. With all of this shit going on in my life, my least concern should be someone, especially someone like her who can make me lose my focus so easily. The truth just came out before I could stop it.

I don't make eye contact with Agent Cooper.

After I saw him staring at Ivy's chest, I wanted so badly to treat him like he was one of the people we track down. I wanted him to say one wrong thing to me so I could beat his ass for immediately thinking he had the right to look at her like that the second he met her.

Again, this is why I shouldn't have said anything. My addiction to her is getting out of hand and I'm afraid of what I might do if someone even looks at her the wrong way. I know she can handle herself. It's one of the things that makes me so uncontrollably drawn to her. If someone like Agent Cooper were to look or speak to her in a demeaning way, I know she would say something back that would shut him up.

But damn, do I want to do even worse to anyone who treats with her even an ounce of disrespect.

"It's what you do when your girlfriend is going on a case with a drug dealer," I respond to his statement while typing on my laptop. I have to tell myself that my emphasizing the "title" was me playing the part and not a warning.

I have to lie to myself is basically what I'm saying.

"She definitely is something." That disgusting smile appears when he says that, almost like he's imagining her.

He does know that we're stuck in a car together and I have a gun, right? Who knows, maybe the trigger will go off by some magical coincidence and aim for his ugly ass face.

"Go in." I hold my earpiece down to tell everyone once I've seen that everything is ready.

We watch Ivy as she leaves the car a few blocks down a few seconds later and begins walking to the house where the party is held.

If anything happens to her, I swear, I'll make Leo choke on the drugs he sells and then also kill Agent Cooper for being in my vicinity.


Ivy's POV

Damn, I didn't know drug dealers threw fancy parties like this. I didn't know they had chandeliers actually.

I'm let in by the security guard because apparently, being young and a woman is an immediate invite. I guess the team was right when they said that.

The music is blaring through the roof. And it's not even good music.

I walk to a corner and scan the room subtly to find Leo.

I'm nervous, I admit, but I feel a little less anxious now that Kai changed the plan and I'm not staying in there with Leo with no protection.

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