Chapter 115 Scholar's ​​Robe

Start from the beginning

Therefore, if Lu Xu doesn't study, he can't wear it.

Lu Wen and Lu Xuan can't wear it either.

Lu Xuan didn't care. He had to work and move things and arrange things from time to time. He couldn't bear to wear such good clothes.

Lu Wen was different - staring at the clothes that made Lu Zhou look taller, he regretted not studying for the first time in his life.

The joys and sorrows of people cannot be communicated with each other, damn it! When will he grow taller? !

After so long preparations, Yuan Manniang and Yan Mu’s clothing store is finally about to open.

On the opening day, two real models, Lu Zhou and Yan Junqi, put on brand-new scholar robes and entered the county school.

On this day, Yan Junqi received eager attention from his classmates and teachers.

Hey, isn't this Yan Xiucai from a poor family?

How to wear satin?

It's also winter, but why are everyone still wearing bloated cotton robes, and why are his ones so snug?

Yan Junqi's body proportions are already tall, but now that she wears this, she looks much taller and taller.

The scholars who didn't care much about clothes and didn't study it much were puzzled.

They couldn't imagine and didn't notice that Yan Junqi's shoes seemed to be a little thicker than usual today.

Of course, from the outside, it doesn't look much different than usual. But if you look closely, there's another mystery - before going out in the morning, Lu Xu put inner height-increasing insoles in Yan Junqi's shoes, trying hard to bring Xiaoyan's figure closer to the model.

Anyway, there are no physical education classes at the county school, and there are only a few steps from home to the county school.

On the Mengxue side, Lu Zhou's effect is more exaggerated than Yan Junqi's.

The teenagers have paid attention to their appearance, and they don't wear too thick clothes even in the cold weather, so that they can look like a smart scholar.

For newly enlightened children, keeping warm is the first priority.

The county academy only had a few braziers set up to keep them warm. They were placed quite far away to avoid burning them. The parents of these children, who ranged from six to seven years old to twelve or thirteen years old, naturally tried their best to dress them thickly, especially They were younger ones, and they were all covered up like bloated cotton balls.

Lu Zhou was like this in the past.

He also has a hat with ears, which is always pinched by his naughty classmates, but why did he suddenly change his costume today?

Among a group of balls, you are the only one showing off your figure. Is this appropriate?

Of course not appropriate.

Especially when the teacher suddenly said, "The weather is no longer so cold, and the ink is no longer freezing. Let's take your hands out of your sleeves and start writing today." The friends were stunned.

The teacher said sincerely: "Studying literature is like learning martial arts. You practice in the summer and in the winter. Although the weather is cold, if you don't practice calligraphy, how can you make progress? In the early days of the previous dynasty, the rural examination was scheduled for October. One year, it snowed heavily in the north of Shuo, and the dripping water turned into ice. At that time, there was a student who kept the inkstone in his arms in order to keep his pen and ink from freezing. If the brush would freeze after writing a few words, he would put the pen in his mouth..."

The children listened blankly to the legend, which they didn't know was true or false. They stretched out their warm hands from their long sleeves, pinched the book, grabbed the pen, and started writing in a daze.

All my thoughts are: "How dirty it is to hold it in your mouth!" "Hey! The ink is so black, won't you be poisoned if you eat it?" "When is the exam now?"...

Naturally, there are also good children who have strong empathy and are very motivated. After listening to it, they were greatly moved. They regretted that they were too cold and greedy for warmth during the Chinese New Year, so they stayed at home and did not study well.

Lu Zhou is one of them. After comparing himself, he started late and is not as smart as Yan Junqi. He feels more and more that he should study hard and work harder.

With enthusiasm and enthusiasm, Lu Zhou's back straightened up, he was more focused in class, and he read and recited louder than usual, which greatly moved the teachers in class today.

Look, this is what a good seedling should look like!

My husband was so excited that he had more homework than usual after school.

That night, many children who couldn't memorize the book or finish the writing were crying at home and complained to their parents.

There are also motivated people who stay up late at home with lights on and are asked about it by their elders who feel sorry for them, retelling everything that happened in class in this way.

Lu Zhou drew hatred from both front and back.

When Lu Zhou came home, he asked Yan Junqi, was there really such a candidate in the previous dynasty?

When I asked, it was true.

And he is also the only number one scholar in the history of Shuozhou County.

Lu Zhou was severely shocked. He touched his small purse at night, hoping to wait for Xiu's holiday to go to the bookstore to find out if there was any collection of essays by the number one scholar.

Lu Zhou and Yan Junqi made a splash in the academy, and of course some attention was paid to their clothes. That night, three or two went home to ask for spring clothes from their mother and grandma.

Especially the older fashionistas, they think that Yan Junqi is just wearing a little thinner clothes, and think that they can achieve the same chic look even if they take off their cotton-padded jackets. The next day, the heroes braved the cold wind of early spring and entered the academy shivering.

Single clothes, thin shirt, runny nose.

He also met Yan Junqi's look of disgust, as if he was looking stupid.

Classmate, do you know that your sniffling and sneezing sounds are disturbing others in class?

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