Chapter 56 - What Hurts the Most.

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Kevin (Vin) Creekman...

Well, that was a shit-show of epic proportions.

The venom in my little girl was not something I had ever taught her. I thought I had taught her to be accepting of everyone. I had thought that I had raised a tolerant and compassionate woman but clearly, I had gone wrong somewhere along the way.

It's not like I couldn't understand her anger, or her sense of betrayal because I had known the moment, I started to feel this way about Lorelei that it was going to cause waves. I knew that the people in our lives were going to be hurt and angry by our relationship, but I never expected my daughter to be so damn vicious.

The things she had said to her best friend were inexcusable even if they were warranted and I fear that she may have burned that bridge with her hot-head.

Calling the girl that had always been more like a sister to her a frigid bitch was a step too far for me. It had me, seeing red. And while I love my daughter and would die to protect her, I will not accept her talking about Lorelei like that.

I know seeing us the way she had was a shock. I know that it had been a slap in the face, especially when she hadn't ever seen me with a woman since Claire left us. But that is no excuse for the venom she displayed here tonight. I had meant what I said when I told her that I was still her father, and she would show me respect and by association she would show Lorelei that same respect or she could go back to New York until she was ready and mature enough to have a civilised conversation about what was happening with me and her best friend.

"...good fucking riddance!" The sound of her griping filtered up the stairs followed by the slamming of the front door, signalling that I was now alone.

No Lorelei.

No one to curl up next to.

I missed my woman.

I needed my girl.

My phone buzzed on the nightstand where I had placed it to power-on when I walked into the room a few moments ago. Scrambling to grab it, seeing I had a half dozen notifications but the most recent was the only one I cared about.

Lorelei – I got a room at Ocean-Front Motel, I hope that you are able to fix things with Dray. I will message you in the morning. I love you XxoxX.

Me – Dray is gone. I told her to either have a calm and mature conversation or to get out. She chose the latter. Please just come home!? I love you more xx.

Lorelei – I am so sorry Kevin, I never wanted things to turn out like this. I never wanted to create this rift between you and your daughter. I think it is best if I stay away for a couple of days, seeing me there will just be like a rag to a bull for her. XxoxX.

Me – please do not apologise for my daughter's abysmal behaviour. I love my daughter, but she is an adult now, an adult who needs to understand that I am an adult and I have the right to love who I want. I have earned the right to pick who I want to spend the rest of my life with and that is you. You are it for me, angel. So, with that being said, I don't care what it will do to her, if she isn't going to accept this then I refuse to make both of us miserable. I am all in, are you? Xx.

The message lay there on the screen the two blue ticks indicating that she had read it but there was no sign of her replying. No flashing dots to show she was typing. My stomach rolled.

Had Draven's reaction changed Lorelei's mind about us?

Was she rethinking what has happened between us this far?

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