Chapter 27 - Everything Changes.

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Kevin (Vin) Creekman...

What had started as a promising night had morphed into something that felt like it wouldn't be salvageable and has now switched back to a promise that I am about to get everything that I have wanted for the past couple of weeks. Given how long Lorelei has waited, my need seems like a single rain-drop. I guess a part of me is using that need of hers to draw this out.

I don't just want to be with her, but I want her to feel more than she has ever felt for anyone else. I want to ruin her for other men because I want her to belong to me.

She does belong to me. Just as much as I belong to her.

I guess, in a way I am a little surprised by her. I feel like I have missed so much with her because I never really, truly saw her before but hearing the way she talked about her feelings and desires; it has become increasingly more difficult to ignore just how much of an amazingly articulate and smart young woman she has become.

I want this to be the best damn kiss of her life. I want to obliterate all other men from her mind.

Virgin. The word sparks in my mind as it has countless times since that last dream. Is she really a virgin? And if she is, does that mean she hasn't been touched at all? I know that there is no real way to know unless I come out and ask her, but I don't want to embarrass her. I don't want her to feel anything but happy and content when she is with me; so, that means I have to leave the decision to share with me up to her and her alone.

Holding my lips, a hair's-breadth from her; I can feel that chemistry between us sparking, and I am half surprised that there isn't an arc of lightning zapping between us; the slight hint of garlic from dinner mixed with a natural minty scent caressed my face as she allowed herself a deep breath and let it out slowly. The hooded, droop, of her eyes as the lust and hunger weigh them down. The slight hitch to her breath. The frantic throb of the pulse on the side of her neck. Hell, I could practically smell her arousal as I held one hand to her face; holding her true beauty in my palm was a head-rush unlike any I have ever felt before. My other hand tangled in her hair; wrapping a thick strand around my fist as I gently angled her face to the exact spot I needed and wanted her. It was an action that gifted me with a slight whimper from her throat and fuck me, that sound alone was enough to push my cock against the zipper of my jeans as he desperately ached for her sinful body.

Nothing has ever felt so right.

No other woman has ever felt so naturally good in my arms.

No other woman has ever made me feel the need to draw the seduction out. Another little whimper bursts through her swollen lips, "please-" she begged.

"Fuck!" I groaned as I closed that last miniscule space between us and brushed my lips against her top one and she let out a little sigh, the cutest, most adorable little exhale of relief. It is that sound that acts like a starter pistol and I press more firmly against her.

Sweeping my tongue along her bottom lip grants me the entrance I am seeking, and I sink into her mouth, exploring and tasting every inch of her. Our bodies instinctively draw closer together as my hand that was holding her beautiful face drops down and entwines my arm around her slender weight, pulling her to me. Giving her little option but to wrap those sinfully shaped legs around my waist, I rise to my feet, never breaking the connection of our lips as I move towards the front room and the sofa.

The feel of her legs around my waist and her arms wrapping around my neck is better than anything I have ever felt before. It is the type of action that matches with the soul-deep kiss that changes everything for me.

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