Chapter 47 - How you Remind me.

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An Hour Later...
Lorelei Anderson...

The haunting chanting of indigenous music caused me to sit bolt-up-right, rubbing sleep from my eyes and glancing to my left where Kevin was also rousing from slumber.

"What the fuck-?" He began to ask me, and I would have taken the opportunity to ogle his handsome, gorgeous body, but my eyes were suddenly wide, all traces of sleep gone as I saw the tell-tale sign of smudged edges in my peripheral vision – this was a dream.

Kevin was awake with me in the dream. And if that wasn't shocking enough, my direct-line of sight was now snagged on the same translucent red thread that I had seen in previous dreams, which connected our bodies to one another, only now it was like fresh-blood red, still translucent but much more vibrant in colour and it appeared to be pulsing. Almost like there was energy flowing to and from each of our bodies.

I watched as Kevin seemed to finally take in his surroundings. The very slight widening of his eyes when he caught sight of the thread connecting our bodies to one another. "Lei, sweetheart-" his voice was calm and in control, which right now I was thankful for because I was beginning to panic.

My breath was racing. My heart thundered in my veins and pulsed in my ears causing a rushing sound that only made me panic even more. My entire body was beginning to shake uncontrollably as I snapped my eyes up to his and suddenly it was as if everything just ceased – the world faded into the background, the dream or whatever the fuck was happening seemed to pause in time to give me the chance to catch my bearings and make sense of what was happening. "That's it, angel, focus on me and take a nice deep breath," scooting forward until he was right in front of me, taking my hands into his massive ones.

"How are you so calm?" I managed to bite out.

I mean, sure it's not like this is my first dream of Kevin. I would go as far as to say that I am somewhat sick of these dreams already. It has been weeks of jumping from one to the next and almost all of them either ended horribly, or I had to watch as one of us, or both of us were killed at the hands of Alex. Christ, just saying it out loud was crazy – I sounded like a crazy-person.

I should be committed.

Hell, if anyone were to ever learn about this, surely, they would have me locked up in a padded room with a straight-jacket quicker than you could say Bob's your uncle.

"This isn't my first time-" he laughed almost sardonically.

"What do you mean?!"

Is it really possible that he has been having these dreams too?

Is it even remotely possible that this hasn't all been some sort of figment of my imagination after all?

"Let's talk about that when we wake up, yeah?" He tenderly brushed a long tendril of my hair behind my ear, "this usually goes by quickly, so as quick as you can pull on some clothes and let's follow the sounds of that music, yes?"

Oh-my-God, he has been having these dreams.

Has it been all this time?

Were they the same dreams that I had been having but obviously from another perspective?

Why haven't I seen him before?

What has changed?

"Lei, now sweetheart!" He ordered a little more forcefully.

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