Chapter 69 - Together Forever.

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A Few Hours Later...
Draven Creekman...

My dad had really come through for us. Not that I had ever really doubted him. Not really. I mean, sure when I found out about his relationship with my best friend; a part of me feared that he wouldn't have time for me anymore and that Lorelei would somehow show that she had only ever been my friend to get close to my dad, and now that she had, I will be the first to tell you that I feared she would drop me completely.

Now, I know a part of me wouldn't have really blamed her if she had, considering my vicious attack on her but Lorelei being who she was, she had the grace to forgive me and had gone straight to treating me almost as she always had.

Believe me I know how fucking lucky I am.

We had talked at length a few days ago before my dad and Jensen came back, and we agreed that there will be no sharing sex details of her with my dad because ewwwwww! No girl 'ever' wants to hear intimate details of her parents' sex-life. That being said, I agreed that we could talk about everything else.

I will admit that I found it difficult to hear the details of what both she and my dad believed to be a rich and mostly devastating history of recycled souls – finding one another over and over again, always falling in love, facing death and separation. If it were to be believed, and I have to admit that I am definitely intrigued by the idea of what they believe to be happening to them, but that also comes with a whole new set of worries.

Were they going to die in this life-time?

What would I do if I lost both my dad and my best friend?

"You ok, short-stack?" Dom asked, stepping into the side of me.

"Yeah, I guess; just thinking about everything-"

"You mean your dad and Lei?"

"Yeah. I am worried-"

"About the reincarnation thing?" He asked me and my head snapped around to look at him with eyes bulging and he chuckled, "the wind changes and you'll be stuck like that sweetheart!"

"They told you?"

"Your dad told me,"

"And you believe it?"

"I think it is just wild enough that it could be true, either way, they believe it," he sighed looking out over the vast expanse of ocean. The boat rocking gently on the breeze.

Honestly, I was so thankful that everyone agreed to dress up because this might be my last chance to dress fancy for a while. My bump was already beginning to form, soon I would be relegated to ugly maternity clothes, and I was not in the least bit looking forward to that. Not even in the slightest. "I didn't exactly handle the news well-."

"I hit your dad when I found out!" He chuckled and my eyes almost fell out their sockets, "felt like the right thing to do at the time but honestly, I have acted like such a jack-ass lately that when I told Lei I would do anything to make it up to her, her only response was that she wanted acceptance!"

I didn't quite know how to respond to that confession, and thankfully was saved the trouble, when the first fire-work pierced the night sky. My head snapped along the length of the boat to where Lei was wrapped in my dad's arms, her head slowly turned as if she felt my stare and smiled softly before nodding her head behind me. "My work here is done," Dom whispered as I slowly began to turn around feeling slightly confused and then the biggest gasp escaped my throat.

There was Jensen down on one knee, looking up at me as if I had the power to lasso the damn moon with my bare hands. I felt Dom kiss my cheek softly before stepping down to where my dad and Lei were watching this scene unfold.

I Remember You.حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن