Chapter 11 - More than I could have Prepared for.

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Jensen Ackles...

Coming home with Draven for the holidays had really been a no brainer. I mean, sure we have only been together a couple of months and by the limits placed on us by society, that is a relatively short period of time. I mean even my head knows that this is all happening so fast, but my heart is fully in charge, and I am constantly throwing caution to the wind in regard to my woman.


The girl was like a whirlwind - whipping into my life with all the deadly precision of a military sniper. Aimed right at my heart, she stole it before I even realised what the fuck was happening. How could she not?

Look at her - raven-black hair that I swear in the sunlight held a purple undertone to it and sat razor-straight almost right down to her waist as if she had ironed it to within an inch of itself. And it always held this glossy shine that looked like some sort of Gothic-like waterfall that I loved nothing more than burying my face into. I loved nothing more than wrapping it around my fist in the throes of passion. The texture is like the finest woven silk. Huge chocolate pools swirled with whatever emotion she was experiencing at the time - they were deep and soulful, I could almost read her mood with whatever look she had in those eyes, the way they held me captive was unlike anything that I have ever felt with any other person in my life. From the moment we met, I had been able to see that eye-contact was most definitely important to her. The smallest, cutest little button nose sat at the most perfect spot on her face and drew the eyes down to the naturally rose-bud lips. They were so bright, the shade like a red rose caught in the summer sun-light. They were full and plump - kissing them was an aphrodisiac that I had never experienced with a woman before. The way they always look like the perfect combination of dry and wet was a contradiction that always made me smile because this girl was a walking contradiction.

I could watch her on stage in class so confident and in the moment of the role she was asked to portray, but she held this hint of innocence that made her somewhat sweet and vulnerable, which had tended to lead to her being given the roles of the sweet and innocent, inexperienced young girl in the exercises that were handed to us in class.

I never met anyone who could wield the perfect combination of strong and vulnerable at the same time.

And to say she was smart would be the understatement of the century. The thing I loved the most about her was her mind - the way she analysed the world around her, the way that she had a unique view of the world and the things that she saw. And the sexiest part is that she leads those arrogant enough to think that she has no brains, either due to her choice of career or because of her natural beauty, into thinking that they have superiority over her, until she decides enough is enough. I have watched her, and the genuine length of her fuse is beyond impressive for someone of her age.

The depth of her love for the people that she deems her family is unwavering and the strongest that I have ever witnessed, but the minute you lose her respect and trust, she finds it very difficult to forgive.

In conclusion - she is the perfect woman. The perfect woman for me. The only woman for me.

I know people will think it is too soon, that we have only known one another a short period of time but there is this statement my mom and dad always instilled in me growing up - when you know, you know. On the whole it is a pretty innocuous statement, meaning very little at first mention and not something I ever truly understood until Draven walked into my life, knocking down all the walls I had around myself. Walls that I hadn't even realised I had built if I am being honest.

I am completely, undeniably, irrevocably in love with my woman. That statement comes back to mind - when you know, you know. I have no doubts when it comes to Draven and me. I have no concerns because the girl has been nothing but open and honest with me. Which in retrospect is another thing I love about her - she lives her life without restraint. Yes, she has had some shitty relationships, but she refuses to allow them to make her bitter or suspicious of everyone who comes into her life.

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