Chapter 14 - Where Do I Stand?

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Five Days Later...
Kevin (Vin) Creekman...

Courage. It's such a small word but it has all the impact of a punch to the gut.

Before I stumbled into these feelings for my daughter's best friend, before I fell into lust with my best friend's little girl, I would have said that I was courageous. In fact, I would have said that I was one of the most courageous people I knew.

Not only had I had a kid at a young age, Hell, I was still pretty much a baby myself when Draven came along. I then became a single-parent - doing all the work of two parents and not once did I falter because my little girl needed me. I stepped up and did what I needed to do to ensure that she was well taken care of. I was lucky that I had good friends around me who helped whenever I needed it and eventually Dom came along, and it was almost as if we both helped and supported one another.

Then I bit the bullet and scraped together enough money to open and stock my own business, asking Dom to come in as my partner, despite him not having any money to invest. I knew the man was one of the best tattoo artists in the area and he could only benefit from the steady income.

I did all of that while ensuring my daughter had everything she needed, not just on a financial level but on an emotional one too.

I didn't date. At least not seriously. I would get the odd date from women coming into the shop, but it was only ever one and done. I had no interest in bringing any women around my kid. Some might say that was a bad idea, that my daughter missed out on having a strong female presence in her life, but the thing is - Draven never once complained that she was missing out on anything, and honestly, I think maybe a part of me was just too scared to put myself out there again.

Until Lorelei.

I couldn't have prepared for her.

I wasn't prepared for her. I had watched the girl grow up and I know that should have put a stop to anything that I was suddenly feeling. I know that it should have made what I am feeling feel seedy and lecherous, but it honestly didn't. It felt right. More, right than anything I have ever felt and quite honestly, that scares the fuck out of me. It is the only excuse I have as to why I spent all of Christmas day checking my phone, pulling up Lorelei's number more than a dozen times but I always closed it down fearful that somehow, she was going to laugh at me and tell me to dream on.

Then around midnight while I was in a text conversation with Carrie, my phone chimed with a message from Lorelei.

A 19-year-old girl had shown more courage than I had been able to conjure all day. My heart soared with excitement as I stared at her name on my screen - even that small little detail felt more, right that I could ever express.

Lorelei - 'Hi, Mr. Creekman, it's Lei, I just wanted to reach out and thank you so much for my necklace, I absolutely love it and it fits perfectly. Hope that you are having a nice time. Lei XxoxX'.

I laid there in bed, my cock instantly throbbing and aching for her little body. Did I dare ask? Before I could second guess myself, I sent a reply.

Kevin - "Can I see? K xx'.

Lorelei - "You want to see me wearing it? XxoxX'.

Kevin - 'Yes xx'. I typed my response all but forgetting Carrie as I quickly added, 'if you are ok with that xx'.

Lorelei - 'Ok! XxoxX'.

Our conversation stalled as I figured that she was doing as I asked. What would she send me? A full body shot. A distance shot. Only a view of the necklace? Apprehension tore through me.

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