Chapter 22 - Gabriel

Start from the beginning

"And taking the crown of first place in the performance division!" the MC called, and a spotlight flickered to life, centered directly on Miku. "They really are powerful! The queens, Rindouji Girls' Academy!"

"Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" The earsplitting cheer shook the venue itself.

"Sh-Shidou...," Tohka said, eyes on the ranking displayed on the monitor. Her face was flooded with anxiety, and her fingers shook slightly. "W-we lost...? I-it's because I sang..."

"N-no! It's not your fault, Tohka!" Shidou protested, but Tohka still looked like she was about to burst into tears. It was almost like she couldn't even hear what he was saying.

"Hee-hee! Hee-hee-he-hee..." He heard Miku chuckling behind them.

"Miku," he said.

"Seeee? It went just like I said, didn't it? This is what haaaappens when you count too much on those friends of yours."
Treating the still-speaking MC like background noise, Miku walked over to them, smirking. She stopped in front of Shidou and nudged his chin up.

"Either way, a promise is a proooomise. You and the two Spirits whose power you sealed are all mine as of todaaay, Shiori."


"Hee-hee-hee. Please don't look so scared. I'll spoil you lottts-"

"And so!" the MC called out in an even louder voice, drowning Miku out. "First place overall on this first day of the Tenou Festival goes toooooo...Raizen High School!"

"...What?" Miku widened her eyes in blank amazement.
Shidou and Tohka did the same. He honestly had barely been listening to the MC.

"This is a surprise. In the performance division, Rindoji did take top place with an unbeatable and overwhelming performance. But it seems they just weren't up to snuff this year in the exhibit and booth divisions."

"What...? What...?" Miku shook her head from side to side, as if she couldn't understand what was happening.

"And it looks like Raizen scrambled past to take the top seat after getting second place in the performance division. They received an amazing number of votes for their maid café! There was some criticism during the judging, but the passionate push of the staff there gave them the edge they needed!"

"Ha-ha..." Shidou laughed helplessly. He never dreamed that Ai-Mai-Mii would end up saving the day.

"Shidou!" Tohka flew toward him, an entirely different expression on her face.

Kaguya and Yuzuru also threw their arms towards eachother and clapped them together in sync.

"Kah-Kah! With the yamai sisters, victory is assured!"

"Conformity. That is correct. No one can beat Yuzuru and Kaguya."

Shidou finally felt the reality of it spread out in his heart.

"We won. We won."

Against Miku. Against Rindoji.

"All right. We'll now proceed with the award ceremony. Representatives, please step forward," the MC urged the three groups of performers.

"...Please be serious. What is this-?"

He heard Miku's trembling voice from behind.

"This is strange...? There's no waaay I can lose..."

"Uhhh, Izayoi?"

Miku ignored the MC and staggered forward. "I'm...Izayoi Miku, you know? I'm... I'm..."

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