Tae watched the vehicles driving fast standing on the platform. He hesitated to cross the road, his palms on the grown up stomach.

Jungkook came beside him offering his hand, Tae looked down not facing him so he took a handkerchief, giving one end to him.

Tae took the kerchief and threw it on his face thinking "We distanced to this level? I hate you" he wanted Jungkook to dominate him and stay stubborn to have him like how he always does,but he can't say it out as it only makes him a clown.

Jungkook just walked ahead, glancing back to see the pregnant man's steps. Tae heard a loud horn sound and held the elder's hand in instinct.

They crossed the one way and waited in the divider platform between the roads, Tae held tight and cried standing in the middle thinking why he still had Jungkook in his life, whenever he wanted to ran away from older he always ended in having him. It was like his life is incomplete without Jungkook, that's why he hates his life so much now.

Jungkook didn't take a step forward even though the road was empty, he wished to hold his wife and tell him to stop crying but he resisted himself from doing it. The hate he saw in Tae's eyes is so painful and he is afraid to see the same hate again.

Tae stepped down from the platform then Jungkook took the sign and walked front and went to the car.

"Can I lead the way to the mall?" The driver asked, confirming the location once again.

Jungkook looks at the younger who only cried not replying "No, drive to home"

Ha-joon hugged Tae as soon as they entered, they all knew about the proposal planning so he hugged him to wish. Jin noticed their dull faces so he eyed Jungkook asking what happened, the older one shook his head.

Jin hummed and pulled Ha-joon back from the hug "Tae, you must be tired, go take rest"

Tae blankly walked to the room, Jungkook went out and didn't return home that day.

Days passed, Jungkook stayed in office most of the time and only visited home knowing Taehyung slept.
Minseo got the divorce notice from Do-yun, this is her limit she was freely living in Kim house but getting divorce will only leave her getting a tag of poor girl who is abandoned by her husband.

She went to Do-yun's house and made a ruckus about not accepting the divorce and when they got the lawyer points at her mistakes of getting pregnant using a drug pill on Do-yun, she started to shout for Tinu and tired to blackmail them by taking Tinu's custody.

But nothing worked, if she is evil then her mother-in-law is the devil so her antics didn't work out. So she used her last weapon which is Mrs.Kim, she cried to her mother telling her to help to talk with Jungkook for once.

If she gets Jungkook's support and hold then she can easily tactic her husband. Mrs.Kim took her to Jeon corporation and told the staff that she is Taehyung's mother.

"But mam, Madam Jeon is on leave so you can visit him at home." The receptionist said.

"We came here to meet brother-in-law" Minseo said, she is not ready to leave without talking to Jungkook today.

"Okay mam, I will inform sir"

Yoongi informs Jungkook about their arrival "Was the problem I am is not enough, this two" he sighed "Shut down the elevator after they entered"

Yoongi understood the intention and give orders as per his wish.

Minseo and Mrs.Kim smiled happily when they allowed them inside, they used the elevator "Minseo, be careful with your words and you should make son-in-law to help you" Mrs.Kim nods at her.

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