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Jhope picked up Tae "Why do you want to come with me today, Hyung?"

"Nothing" Tae keeps looking around and finds the two boys standing in a few distance from their house, he looks down.

Jhope noticed him in the side mirror and looked around "What happened Hyung, Is there any problem with them?" Jhope stopped the bike noticing the two men.

"First start the bike, I will tell you" Jhope started the bike as Tae said. "What is happening to your life Hyung, why are you hiding so much from me?"

"The neighbors know about the contract and they misbehaved with me" Tae said, making Jhope pull the sudden brake.

"What the..." Jhope got down from the bike and launched towards the men and started to punch them, not caring Tae's voice.

"Jhope, stop it" Tae pushed him away from the two men and looked at the cut on lips "Blood" he wiped the blood from his saree corner.

"You got angry?, but we just offered your Hyung what he was doing, don't worry we will give the money" One man who was beaten said, making Jhope again punch him.

"Please stop this Jhope" Tae pulled with him nearing the bike "Start the bike" Tae shouted at the younger.

"But Hyung they..."

"I said start the bike Jhope" Tae ordered and Jhope looked at the man "Next time you get near my Hyung then that will be the last day for you" he obeyed Tae and took him to house.

Tae left to his room and again his room witnessed the painful cries of him. 

Next day Jhope visited Jeon mansion first thing in the morning and shouted in the hall making the family members come to the hall.

Ha-joon is the first one to come down, Jhope looks at him and averted his gaze.

"Jhope, come how are you?" Jin asked "Ha-joon, talk to him while I will make tea for him"  Jin said to Ha-joon.

"I didn't come to meet him" Jhope said to him and walked to Jungkook then gripped his shirt collar "What did my Hyung do to you, why are you hurting him"

Namjoon came between them "Relax Jhope"

"Relax? How can I? My hyung is hurting there because of him, you know how much he is facing"

"People in the office are mocking him, slút shaming him and our neighbors misbehaving with him asking to spend a night with them, how much my Hyung can face because of you" Jhope shouted.

Jungkook widened his eyes "Who misbehaved with Taehyung?"

"Don't act, he's facing them because of you" Jhope punched Jungkook's jaw, others gasped.

Jungkook can punch back but he wanted to feel the pain as he made Tae go through so much.

Namjoon and Jin stood between Jungkook and Jhope "What are you doing?" Namjoon asked Jhope with a little anger and Jin checked his son.

"This is what I should do to him for hurting my Hyung" Jhope again went to Jungkook but this time Ha-joon pushed him away harshly that made Jhope back away a few steps.

"You hurt my brother because he hurted your Hyung then should I hurt brother-in-law for hurting my Hyung? Not only he is in pain but my Hyung is in pain too"

"The contract was signed by both parties and it was signed with brother-in-law's consent then how is it only my Hyung's fault?" Ha-joon glared at Jhope.

Jungkook held Ha-joon's hand, stopping him to talk but the younger one didn't stop with it.

"People ask and harass my Hyung about the contract too like how people were asking Brother-in-law, he showed out his pain but my Hyung didn't, that's the difference"

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