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Sorry for being late, Today is my birthday and I had plans with my friends and just got back home with full happiness after spending time with my friends. I didn't edit the chapter so bear with the mistakes.

On the other hand Ha-joon is angry with Jhope "You don't want me to meet your Hyung, that's why you always say some reasons"

"Trust me, he said he will come here but don't know what happened to him" Jhope answered and kept calling his Hyung's number but the older one did not pick up as he had forgotten the bag in the car.

Ha-joon made a crying face "This is how you fool me, this is not the first time you are avoiding our meeting"

Jhope cupped his face "Baby trust me, something always came up whenever I set a meeting for you both, I don't know why destiny is not allowing you to meet my Hyung but don't worry today you will meet him for sure"

"Really?" Ha-Joon asked with tears, Jhope hugged him making him calm down and he again called his Hyung who picked up this time and said he is coming.

Jhope informed Ha-joon who quickly corrected his makeup and dressed like a good man to get a green signal for their love. But before Tae reached them his mom called him so he had to go and he promised to come back soon to Jhope.

Tae hugged Jhope getting emotional and they clicked photos together and Tae had to leave soon as he got permission for one hour only.

"Hyung, I want to introduce you to Ha-joon, please wait for a few minutes" Jhope took his phone to call Ha-Joon but Tae got the call from Jimin so he had to go.

When Ha-joon came with his mom near Jhope, Tae was already gone so Ha-joon got mad at his lover for not stopping Tae until he came.

"It's okay we can meet him any time" Jhope hugged him and got back seeing the man behind Ha-joon.

"Oh it's my mom, Kim groups of education ceo Seokjin and mom he's Jhope" Ha-joon introduced them.

Jhope shook hands with him and Jin asked some basic questions which he answered then the graduation ended.
Days later
Jungkook is rolling on the bed boringly, today is Sunday but Tae is not with him, he went to Kim's home. He knows Tae will not neglect their day, if he does then it might be something important, he understands it still without his wife he feels empty.

He talked with his dad and played games to pass the time. Tae returned in the afternoon and fell on the bed tiredly, Jungkook eyed him working on the laptop "What happened?" Older decided not to talk with Tae but seeing him so tired made him worried.

Tae hugged Jungkook's lap placing his head on his thigh and smiled when he felt hand sanking in his hair and soothing it gently "You know right Minseo is staying in my mother's house after baby shower?" Jungkook hummed, rolling his eyes with the name of the so-called royal sister.

"She can't sleep without an air conditioner and she wants a comfortable bed in her room so I went shopping with Jhope and purchased her needed things" Tae huffed.

Jungkook's anger rose, he pushed Tae on the bed and hovered above him gripping his wife's both sides cheeks tightly "Seriously Tae, we have sunday only for us still you went to babysit that shit of your sister. I was okay with you meeting with your family but you.. at least think about yourself, you have only one day for rest"

"What can I do, I don't have any choice" Tae mumbled as his lips pressed, he tried to remove the hand but Jungkook just tightened the hold.

"You had a choice but you, being a good goddess, went to help her. What is her useless husband doing? He wants his wife and unborn child in a comfortable environment like a queen but I should send my wife as maid to them, isn't it?" Jungkook's voice cleared that he was clearly angry.

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