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It was the next day, I had just woke up and already thinking about last night. We had spent so long talking that the sun came up, so I was tired but happy. I had finally made some friends here or at all really, of course back in the forest I had Norm and Max but I grew up around them. Besides them I didn't have any friends and believe me I've attempted to with some of the other Na'vi but they always said no. Now I finally have friends and the best part is that they came up to me. Anyway I should figure out what I'm going to do today since I don't think Tsireya has any lessons for us. On top of that my parents and siblings are gone, but I also have to worry about my wound. Ronal did say to take it easy.

I get up and put away my stuff in my bag but then I touch something that doesn't feel like the rest of my clothes. I grab it and look at it more closely then realize that it's a swim suit. It's a two piece (style) that's like a lavender purple, oh yeah it was a go away gift from one of the scientists. I had completely forgotten about it...maybe I should wear it today, It would be a nice change from my shirt and shorts that I have to wash every other day. I set it down on the floor while I put away the rest of my stuff, before I out it on I take a peek outside to make sure no ones coming and start to undress.

After making some adjustments to certain places, especially my wound, I take a look at myself...AND I gotta say, I don't look to bad in it. It's comfortable too. Time to head out now, I look outside and don't see anyone so I make my way to the water. Recently I found a way for me too make my way around here quicker other than swimming and I can't take and ilu for obvious reasons. They have these little paddle boats that I can take which make my life easier. I spot one and get start to climb in but then I hear someone call my name, I turn my head behind me and it's Ronal. She's holding a basket with shells and other types of material.

"I see you, Tsahik." I greet her, putting my fingers to my forehead brining them down. "I see you, Y/n." she greets back as she walks up to me eyeing me up and down. "What are you wearing, its not your usual human clothes." Oh I now relies why she was eyeing me now. "Well these are human clothes as well, just for a different purpose, for example this is the type for being in the water." I reply fiddling with the paddle. "I looks good on you, you should wear it more often, your other clothes are too constricting." she says. "Thank you, but would you happen to know where my siblings are?" I ask before she leaves. "I think there at the sea wall with my daughter and son." She says, I nod my head thanking her. I get in the small boat and paddle my way to the sea wall.

As I get closer to the sea wall, I see my siblings along with Tsireya, Aonung and Rotxo. They seem to be discussing something, I come to a stop and get out of the boat hopping up onto the little pools. Some of the Na'vi that are putting out the nets see me and have some curious faces but they let me go on about my business. I then hear Kiri's voice.

"I wish I'd been there. The ocean blessed you with a gift, brother" She says, I think to Lo'ak. "The Tulkun have not returned yet. And anyway, no tulkun is never alone. " Aonung buts in. "Well this one was." Lo'ak says. They must be talking about yesterday. "He had a missing fin. Like a stump on the left side." He says pointing at his arm. "Payakan." Tsireya says looking at her brother and Rotxo. My siblings question who that is. "A young bull who went rouge. He's outcast. Alone. And he has a missing fin." Rotxo explains, damn Payakan just like me besides the missing fin. "They say he is a killer." "No.No" "He killed Na'vi and other tulkun...Not here, but far to the south." Aonung says. "No, he's no killer." "Lo'ak, you are lucky to be alive." Tsireya says and Lo'ak is about to argue but then I finally speak.

"Then I must be lucky too, since I was also there!" I announce. They all look toward me with wide eyes. "Y/n your here and you look so pretty." Tuk says running up to me. "Y/n your alright." Kiri says getting up inspecting me, oh yeah I forgot that haven't spoke to me since yesterday. "Lo'ak is telling the truth, he is no killer." I tell them. "And why should we take your word for it demon." Aonung spits at me. "Well then why should I take your word, after all you were the one who left my brother out in the middle of the ocean, maybe this is just an excuse to save your sorry ass from what you did." I spat right back at him, he looks angry but lowers his ear turning down his gaze. "Woah, Woah, Woah its fine Y/n we made up." Lo'ak says putting a hand on my shoulder. I roll my eyes but nod in agreement. Lo'ak then started saying that he was our friend and Neteyam started teasing him which made him irritated. "You guys aren't listening" Lo'ak said to them. "Come on Y/n lets get out of here." He says and pulls me with him as he leaves.


"Payakan!" Me and Lo'ak yell out on the ilu, looking around for any sight of him. Finally we hear something come out of the water and it's him. Lo'ak and me swim over to him and as soon as we get on his fin, Lo'ak starts bombarding him with questions on why he's outcast. Payakan squeals which then Lo'ak tells him he can trust him. "And you can trust me too, Payakan" I say and sign to him.

I decided to leave Lo'ak and Payakan to some time with themselves while I just watched them while riding the Ilu. Eventually I just tell Lo'ak I'm going back and if he'll be alright which he said yes too. On my way back home eclipse happened which made we wonder where the others went to when me and Lo'ak left.

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