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     As we went through the village, there were many things hanging from the tent like structures and the bridges above the water were really bouncy which Tuk enjoyed very much. The water was so beautiful and clear. I stayed clow to Neteyam, trying to avoid the disgusted gazes of the village people. Failing, but I'm sure ill be fine, there totally not going to kill me in my sleep. Not only that but I also had to be careful of the animals that were in the waters cause off of them are looking at me as I walk by.

     "Just up here." Tsireya says. I then look to my left and see this little reef boy try to come up to Tuk but his mom stops him saying "No, no" it was cute.

     "This is for you, your new home." Tsireya says stopping at the entrance of the huge tent.

     "Yeah, this will work. This is great, It's nice right?" Jake says turning to us. I look inside and it was nice but that's not what Neytiri thought. She dropped the mat she was holding and sighs. As if she was saying "I hate my life".

Later-family meeting

     "okay. sully's fall in" My dad says.

     "Remember? Family meeting." Neteyam says to Lo'ak as he pulls him down by the arm. After we all get situated and sit down.

     "Okay. I need you kids on your best behavior. I mean it. Learn fast. Pull your weight. Don't cause trouble. you got it?" Jake says, aiming more towards Lo'ak.

     "Yes, sir." he responds. Me and Neteyam both tug on his braid and he snarls at the both of us.

     "Y/n, I know you don't cause trouble but you just being here is ticking them off already, so stay close with one of us and be as polite and ass kissing as you possibly can, at least for the first week or two, just for them to get used to you." he says, I nod my head in agreement.

     "I want to go home" Tuk suddenly says crying, wiping her tears. "Oh Tuk" Neytiri says.

     "Tuk. this is our home now." Jake tells her as he grabs her hand to comfort her.

     "Now we're gonna get through this. Were gonna get through this if we have each other's backs. All right?" Jake says.

     "What does your father always say?" Neytiri asks and they start to say "Sully's stick together" and then jake told them to do it with more enthusiasm. I didn't say it because I didn't know they had this little chant.

      Tomorrow will be the first day of our new life, will I get killed, I guess we'll see.


     I was up sitting near the opening of the tent just looking at the water as my siblings put back their stuff and got ready for the day, I had already done that since I had woken up before them. Then three pairs of blue legs came into view, it was Tsireya, Rotxo, and Aonung. Today, they're going to take us for a swim. I stand up from my spot stepping out of the tent, The three of them flinch a bit and take a step back. I'm not surprised.

     "Good morning" was all I said to them before turning my head to my siblings telling them that there here. My siblings make their way over and we head off.

     Tsireya, Rotxo and Aonung dive into the water gracefully but Neteyam and Lo'aknot so much. Kiri and Tuk were a bit better though. Me on the other hand dove in like the first three. I was actually really good at swimming and free diving, In the forest I loved swimming in the lakes and rivers. I also learned to hold my breath for about 8 minutes just for fun. I'm trying to go beyond that though because I found out the world record on earth was 24 minutes and 37 seconds. Being in water overall is relaxing.

     When I get in the water, it's amazing. So many different animals, plants and coral. I swim over to the three reef Na'vi easily, I saw how they swam and had this side to side motion that was supported by their tail, like a shark or a seal. I on the other hand am swimming with a up and down motion with my legs and feet together with my hands moving through the water, like a whale or dolphin.

     Tsireya then turns around and see's that I'm close behind which shocks her but she smiles at me and then looks behind me. I turn around as well and see my brothers struggling as well as Tuk. Kiri swims off somewhere else. We turn back around and continue swimming, we look back a second time, still behind us, third time, their up to the surface. They put their heads in the water to look at us and then I see Tsireya make this hand motion. Wow they have sign language, that's so cool, I mean how else do you communicate under water if you can't speak. The boys don't understand though and Tsireya see's that so she motions with her hand to follow. They get back under water and we continue to swim together.

     My brothers go back up once again and I see Aonung sign something as well as Rotxo but Tsireya puts her hand up horizontally(side ways), maybe that means stop. She then does another thing and puts her hand to her head which makes Aonung roll his eyes. I motion my hands at them to look at me and they turn there gazes towards me. I give them a confused look before doing the hand signs they did, trying to copy them, jake said learn quick, so I think this is the best option. After I do the hand signs, they all look at me with surprise and confusion before they relies I'm trying to learn what their saying. Tsireya gives me a big smile motioning to me that were going up. 

    "Are you all right?" Tsireya asks when we get up to the surface.

    "You're too fast! Wait for us." Tuk exclaims rubbing her eye.

     "Just Breath." Tsireya says to Tuk.

    "You are not good divers. Even the Human is better than you." he says as he points at me. "Maybe good at swinging through trees, but..." Aonung says but Tsireya slaps him on the side of his head making him drop it real quick and giving here the sassiest look I've ever seen.

     "Come on bro. We don't speak this finger talk, guys. We don't know what you're saying." Neteyam says.

    "I will teach you." Tsireya replies.

     "Where is Kiri?" Rotxo suddenly says, but hold up why would he be asking that, maybe he likes her, how cute.

     We all look around but no sign but then I feel a slight tap on my shoulder, I look to me right and see Tsireya looking at me.

     "By the way what was your name" she asks.

     "Y/n." I say.

     "Well Y/n you are quite good at diving and in the water you copied our hand signs perfecty, even though you don't know what they mean. But we'll teach you that" She says, I smile at her and say thank you.

     Back to what I said about Rotxo, I also saw another potential love story, other than Tsireya and Lo'ak but Neteyam and Aonung because while they were all talking I saw them staring each other, one catching the other. Love is in the air it seems.

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