Leave us alone!

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It's been about a month since we've come here, my siblings seem to be doing well in their training and have learned to ride the ilu's. I continued my own training about a week ago, Tsireya is now going to start teaching us their sign language, though my siblings had already started because she forgot about me, yeah kind of expected. I'm catching up though and learning quicker than my brothers and sisters than they did when they started. The lessons have made me feel a little better but only a little cuz other than that, I have no company. Don't get me wrong it's nice to be alone sometimes but being lonely is a different story and far worse than I imagined.

Anyways, right now were in the water collecting these blue clam-like things. The Na'vi keeping keen eye on me, especially the Tsahik but everyone keeping their distance. Tsireya has introduced this new animal that was like a butterfly underwater. In the center of it, it has this yellow glow and little specs of spots and the edges of its wing-like limbs. She said it gives breath underwater and that's so amazing, I wish I could also connect with it but I'm not ready to tell anybody about my queue yet. But right now, Kiri's doing something that's got everyone's attention.

She has a bunch of glowing yellow fish at her command, moving her hands side to side, the fish following her movements. She's always been amazing like that, having a strong connection with everything on pandora and Ewya I may add. When I have my first connection with Ewya one day, she'll be the one I take with me.


I was sitting in the water right now, with Kiri actually. She was currently staring at the sand right now, not exactly sure why but you do you boo. She invited me with her cuz she just wanted some company and I was happy with that, just sitting with her like this, no talking whatsoever was fine with me. This moment was ruined though. Aonung and his friends.

"What is she doing?" He asked, his little goons laughing at that while walking up to us. I shake Kiri a bit telling her to get up. She lifts her head out of the water.

"Huh, what'd you say?" She asked them, she starts to stand up and I quickly follow standing behind her. I don't know what's about to happen right now, so I have to be careful. She knows this as well and hers her arm up slightly as if to guard me.

"Are you some kind of...freak?" He asks, making fun of her his friend repeats it trying to feel included. Kiri sighs, this isn't the first time she's been called that or any of my siblings, "No" is all she says before we start walking.

"Are you sure? I mean, you're not even real Na'vi. Look at these hands and you have this disgusting demon with you." he says going around her and tries to grab her hand but she pulls it back. "I mean look at them..." he grabs her by the wrist. This makes me extremally pissed, how dare he touch her but I shouldn't say anything, cuz I'll probably get my ass kicked...ah fuck it.

"Ey! Don't touch her!" I exclaim getting infront of Kiri, I hiss bearing my teeth for the first time and slap his hand away. He has a shocked expression but it's quickly replaced with a scowl. He looks down at me and grabs my left arm, lifting me off the ground slightly.

"NO, Y/n!" Kiri yells in English, trying to grab me back.

"And you! You disgusting demon, you should've never come and stayed on your own planet." Aonung says before throwing me onto the rock behind him causing me to hit my head, hard, but not enough to knock me out. My head now throbbing, I get up groggily but everything is slightly blurry and my head is bleeding on the upper left side. Then I hear Lo'ak's voice.

"Hey! Back off, fishlips!" He shouts to Aonung. This gives Kiri a chance to go and grab me, She see's me bleeding and gets worried. "Y/n! Oh my Ewya!, your bleeding, why did you do that?" She asks grabbing my shoulders. "I'll be fine sister, don't worry bout me and Aonung shouldn't have touch you." I say. She looks at me with teary eyes but nods her head and walk back over to he commotion.

"Oh, another four-fingered freak." Aonung says teasing-ling, "Look at his little baby tail!" his friend suddenly says grabbing Lo'ak's tail.

"Don't touch me!" Lo'ak yells, shoving him.

"Leave us alone!" Kiri yells at them, having me in her grasp. The suddenly Neteyam comes out of no where, hair swinging back and forth, pulling back Aonung.

"You heard what she said. Leave them alone." Neteyam says. Then one of the boys tries to say something but Aonung stops him. "Back off. Now." Neteyam continues, putting his finger to Aonung's chest. Aonung just stares at him, with this stupid smirk on his face that makes it look like he's enjoying having Neteyam even speak to him. But he backs off putting his hands up.

"Good choice. And from now on, I need you to respect my sisters." he says, giving them all a look. Kiri then sticks her tongue out to them, making me giggle a bit. We turn to leave but the reef boys start talking shit again but they were talking about what Neteyam said "sisters, that demon is his sister?" they all murmured, activating Lo'ak's dumb ass mode. Fuck.

"Lo'ak." Neteyam says. "I got this bro." Is all Lo'ak says back before walking up to Aounung.

"I know this hand is funny. Look, I'm a freak. An alien." Lo'ak tells Aonung wiggling his pinkie. The boys chuckle at that. "But it can do something really cool. Watch. First, I ball it up real tight like this. Okay? Then..." Lo'ak explains balling up his hand into a fist, yeah he's gonna punch him isn't he...

BAM!, Aonung takes the first punch making a stupid face, second punch he stumbles back and the third punch he falls to the ground with a bloody nose.

"It's called a bunch. bitch! Don't ever touch my sisters again." Lo'ak tells Aonung and Aoung then tackled him into the water, making all hell break loose. Neteyam scratches his head but joins Lo'ak in the ass kicking. Now there's just punching, tackling, kicking, ear pulling, tail pulling and even tail slapping. All this just makes me burst out laughing and Kiri laughs at it as well. We look at each other, her hand on her mouth, mine on my stomach. I take in this moment with us together...this was nice.

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