Florist Donna x Reader

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The flower shop is a quick bus ride away. You find yourself standing in front of a store with a green front and curled white letters on the front that says Donna's Flower Shop. You enter and there is a woman standing behind the counter, wearing a smock over her outfit, hair up in a bun. "How can I help you?..". She asked softly, almost quietly. "Hi I was wondering if I can get some flowers please?" You say walking over to her. "Of course! Do you need them for someone special?" She said, a genuine smile on her face. "You can say that" you say nervously.

"Ah, romance, then..?" She said this in a whisper, leaning closer to the counter. "What kind of flowers were you looking for..?" "Ummm, well what's your opinion. I am here to see my mother grave. It's her anniversary and I wanted to do something different today." You alleged. This put a soft spot in her heart. She could not hide a smile now. "You poor thing. Of course.. Come, come. Follow me.."She said, waving you on as she came from behind the counter, walking you towards the back of the store, and through a door to an even smaller room at the back of the shop.

"What is your mother's favorite flower? Do you know ..?". "I think it was..... Acacia. Right? Yes it was Acacia" You answered. "Ah, Acacia. Good choice..". While she had no Acacia on display, she did have lots and lots of different species of roses available. She picked out the most beautiful bouquet of yellow and white roses. She even found the perfect white carnation and put it in the center. She handed it to the customer. Her voice was as quiet as a whisper, so no one else heard her.

"This.. is for your mother, from me. She will understand how much you miss her, just from the flowers.." "Oh thank you. I bet she would love theses" "She watches over you. Don't think she's forgotten you.."
She said this in the gentlest voice imaginable. At this moment in time, if you did not know any better, you might even think she was your own mother. "Haha thank you. Can I just say. This place is beautiful." You say looking at the flowers. She blushed at these words. She had not heard them in many years, and it was so nice to hear from a stranger. She would most likely remember this kindness for days on end. "Well, I try not to keep anything but the finest around..". She motioned to the flowers you were holding. She had the softest voice anyone could imagine.

"Really?" You questioned, *She nodded her head. "You won't find flowers much prettier than these, anywhere in the town.. At least I have never seen any...". She said softly. "Well, I will make sure I will get flowers from here. And how shall I repay you" you expressed. *She thought for a moment. This was not the first time someone had offered her some payment. She always tried to refuse payment, but she could see in your eyes you didn't know how to take no for an answer. "If it is not a bother to you.. Would you be willing to let me help you put them on her gravestone..?". "She spoke in that soft whisper of a voice she had.

"Sure. I bet my mother would be happy that I brought someone with me." You say, laughing a little. "Really. Now, come this way.."
She put a hand on your back as she walked up a steep hill, the sunlight shining down through the clouds, illuminating the path forward and casting a soft yellow glow on your face. This was the local cemetery, it sat near the edge of the town. There were a few other families visiting the gravesites. Then you make you way to her grave. "Wow, I take it that you've been here before" you rasped. "Many, many times.." She said silently, her head being bowed as low as possible as she prayed silently for your mother. Even in life, Donna was a woman of faith. She believed if you were good to your fellow man, the universe would be good to you, too.

"Wow, though as a girl, my mom would think you're my girlfriend. She would also think I would bring my girl best friend was my girlfriend. I would always be embarrassed." You blurred out. This made Donna giggle. She had not heard anyone speak about their mother in this manner. Donna's mother wasn't a bad woman, but she was very stern and disciplined her kids very harshly. But hearing a child speak about their mother with such fondness was a nice reminder of how families could be, even if hers was not. "I think I wouldn't envy your mothers jokes" She whispered smiling.

"Really" you say. She sighed. "My mother was not as kind to her children, sadly... I never had any jokes, just harsh punishments.." Her soft voice was so low it was almost drowned out by the rustling of leaves on the trees. "Oh, well if you want I can take somewhere were we will have fun together" you say excitedly, this caught her off guard. Someone had never said they wanted to hang out and have some fun with her. In fact, Donna had never had a single friend growing up. "Do you mean it..?". "Yes I do. In my house, I have a lot of things that we can do" You exclaim. This had her heart racing. There had never been a single friend in her life. Everyone was too intimidated by the rumors about how shy and quiet she was. Everyone thought she was crazy. But hearing you invite her to your house.

"I.. I can't say no to that offer.". "Ok, how about this" She nodded, her head tilted to the side as she looked up at you. The last time she had ever been invited to a friend's house was when she was still a child. She would never forget this kindness. "What did you have in mind..?". "I can pick you up tomorrow, and take you to my house. We can paint and play video games. Oh we can bake cookies too if you'd like". She nodded her head. This sounded like so much fun! She had painted and baked lots of things growing up. Donna was a girl who loved her arts and crafts. And she loved video games!

The thought of being a kid again and reliving her childhood for a day without any sort of danger attached was amazing. It felt comforting in a way she could not remember feeling in years. "When should I be ready, then ..?" "Let's say 3 pm. Wear something were we can get paint in." You say happily. She nodded and smiled, almost too excited over this. "I will see you tomorrow, then.. Thank you! Thank you, so very much." She said, and she could not help but hug you. This was her first friend. "Ok then, it's a date, on here you go mother. Your flowers, I miss you mom. But now you are in a better place" you say.

Donna watched as you laid down the flowers. Even thought it wasn't her mother, she felt a tinge of sadness seeing this. So, she went over and prayed silently, thinking that this girls mother was in a better place, now. It was a kind gesture. "If you don't mind me asking.. what was your mom's name..?". "Claudia. That's her name" you hinted. "Claudia.. A lovely name." She said, putting her hand on your back. "She would be a lovely woman and you made her very proud. You know, she watches over you, always." She was still praying. She hoped you would be okay. "Will you be okay..?" "Yea, I will. BUT anyways how about I see you tomorrow"

She nodded, her heart beating out of her chest. This was going to be a fun day. She could think of so many things they could do together. Painting, baking, and who knows what else? She was excited. "Okay, I will see you tomorrow then." "Yes. And what's your name?" You asked. "Oh, I am Donna! Donna Beneviento." She thought for a moment. It felt good to say her name, instead of someone just referring to her as just 'her' or 'the gardener' or 'the quiet girl'. "You can call me Don Don, though.." "Oh ok, don don, my name is Yn but you can call me N/N" you say shaking her hand.

"N/N. I like that. I like that a whole lot." She said, smiling again. She liked this girl already. "Very well then, Yn. I will see you tomorrow." "Yes see you tomorrow." You say walking away. Donna began to walk back to her little store, her heart beating out of her chest. She had not felt this much emotion in years. She wondered if maybe this girl could be her first ever friend.. This thought excited and scared Donna at once.

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