Stalker Mia x Reader

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You were in your house cooking yourself dinner, and you get a knock on the door, you walk to the front door and open it to see a big flower bouquet, and see a note inside. You go down, get the bouquet, and go inside. You walk back to the kitchen put the bouquet on the table quickly forgetting about it and grab some food. You then head to the couch and turn the tv and then just chill, laughing at the show.

You then get a text message from a random number saying "Hello". But you didn't reply because you were so into the show. Then your phone starts ringing, you look at your phone and grab it and with out looking at the number you answer. "Hello" you say into the phone still not paying attention tot the phone. "Hi Yn how are you doing" the person on the other line asked you. You didn't recognize the voice, "I am good" you say in a questionable voice.

"How are the flowers" the voice said, you jumped up and look around, you then start closing the blinds. "How do you know what I got?" You asked closing and locking all the doors in your apartment. The voice didn't answer, so you hung up, and just got a knife from your kitchen then looking at the bouquet on your table. You then hear a loud boom in the bedroom, you move away from the door and grab your phone to call 911. But then the door opens, and you see and women with black hair and blueish greenish eyes come out of them room.

"Oh honey, my love put them knife down, what you don't like my gift for you?" The woman said looking sad. "How do you know my name? And what the hell are doing in my house?" You yelled at her pointing the knife at her. She walks towards you, you then see her beautiful face. She backed you to the wall, grabbed the knife and tossed it to the table, she grabbed your phone and tossed it aside. "My dear god, you look beautiful in person" the women spoke.

"Who are you?" you asked as the women was right in front of you, just looking at you, "My name, well it's Mia Winters" Mia said putting a hand on your cheek. "What do you want from me" you asked next, "You, my love, I want to be with you, make you mine, when I saw you at the mall, I knew you had to be mine." Mia said, looking with lovely eyes. "What" you say, then you remember that she was the person you bumped into at the mall.

She just glides her hand across your body, you push her and run but she catches you right before you can make it to the door. "Don't leave me baby, please" she begged as she cuddled into your neck. You tried pushing her away but she was too strong, you start crying wanting this to be over, she grabs your face light and drys your tears. "Shhh don't cry my love, just let me in your life and I can treat you right" Mia said looking in your eyes, you didn't have no other choice so you nodded your head.

But then you forget that you called 911 and you see lights, then banging on your. The both of you jump and get up from the floor, "You called the cops on me love" Mia said, you say your sorry and get goes yo your room to flee, the door is opened by force and you get on the ground with your hands up. The cops see and check the rest of the house, they take you outside to get questioned, and as you are answering the question you see Mia just standing there.

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