Alcina X Experiment Reader

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"Let's see if this works now" you hear some women say, you start to panic and try to get the blindfold off but the restrain on your hands don't work. "PLEASE DONT, PLEASE STOP" you yelled but then a hand covers your mouth, and you start to move to then feel a little pinch on your neck and you feel your body to feel limp, then falling asleep. {you woken your eyes and see snow all over the place, "HELLO" you yelled but nothing so you start to walk around but all you see is white then you black out.} You wake up and see that you are in a cage. You start to look around and see that you're in a cellar, and see that your hands are in shackles.

"W~what this?? What's going on?" You say to yourself, "Oh look who is finally awake, I was wondering how long it would take you to wake up" the same voice said. "W~what's going on? WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?" You yelled, you start to feel hot to then open your mouth to spit out fire. You close your mouth and wonder what the fuck is happening, "hmm very interesting" the women said. "What else can you do?" The women ask getting closer to the gate. You see a tall women, with yellow eyes, pale skin, and red lips. "Are you going to answer me? Or do I have to get it out of you?" The lady said. "I. I don't know? What is going on? What the fuck is happening" you asked.

"Haha, well let me introduce myself" the lady said, getting up and walking towards a table, "My name is Alcina Dimitrescu, you will address me as mistress or my lady or countess, anyways" Alcina said getting a notebook and writing something down, "let's see how long you can survive" she said getting up and leaving. "PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME. DONT KEEP ME HERE LONGER" you yelled but she already left now you all by yourself. After a few days, Alcina would come in and take you left overs from whatever she ate, and sometimes you wouldn't even eat. "Dear, your not hungry?" Alcina asked and you didn't answer her. She was getting angry and was about to say something until someone goes in the room.

"MOTHER BELA WONT SHARE HER FOOD" A redhead said coming next to Alcina, "Yea that's because you already ate, now it's my turn" the blond said. Then a black hair girl came in and just look directly at you, and as the girls are arguing the black haired girl comes to you. "And who are you, a new Bloodbag?" The girl said, you were about to say something until, "Cassandra leave her alone. She is mine" the countess said. The girl left you alone and now you had four people looking at you with hungry eyes. "Girls, I think something else is waiting for you upstairs" Alcina said, and the redhead gasp and turn into flies and went away.

Then other two rolled their eyes and turned into flies also and went away. You freeze and just look away from the lady to look at your hands. "God your blood smells divine" the lady said, but you didn't listen, you were thinking, thinking about if you were able to shoot fire from your mouth then shouldn't you be able to be resistant to heat. So you put that to the test, you take a big breath in and fire starts to come out. And the shackles start to melt from your hands, not hurting you. You smile and try to get up but the pain in your legs won't let you. "Oh that's new isn't it?" The countess said smiling as she got closer to your cell.

"That's incredible" she said. You take in her features, {god she is beautiful. But why does she need to know about this shit} you thought. With out thinking you spit fire towards the cell making the bars melt, and this shocked Alcina, you used up all your strength and start to take off, Alcina sees you run and just goes after you. "RUNNING SILL GET YOU NO WHERE" the lady yelled, and as your running she was able to get you and pin you to the wall. "You really thought you can run away from me, haha, you know you smell divine and you look so pretty against the wall" The lady said. {shit} you thought.

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