I'm Here. I Promise.

183 10 23

Art by niko.mi (all rights an respect to them :] )

Sooooooo hiiiii! I've been gone for a bit... a lot of shit is happening and I don't feel too good about myself. So I decided to write angst to kick off the shit show that is unfolding! Yayyyy

Word count: 3311


Hunter launched up in a cold sweat in his small room of the castle. He was breathing heavily as he sat on his bed, trying to get a grip of his surroundings "w-what- how am I back here?" He asked himself. Everything looked fine and normal, like he never left, but when he looked at himself he realized he was still wearing clothes from the human world "this... isn't right" he said standing up. He went to his door. He took in a deep breath and he shakily grabbed the handle, twisting it slowly. The door opened.

He shrieked in terror as the floor gave way beneath him and he began to fall. He fell so deep- just like when he was in the mind of Belos- eyes everywhere in the dark. Then suddenly it stopped as he slammed down onto the cold tile floor. Gasping for breath, the wind knocked out of him as soon as he made contact with the ground. They stayed there, this had to be a dream. All of this was a dream, yeah- he would wake up any second. Standing up, he looked around, the surroundings were still that of the palace... but wrong. It was darker. The walls and halls were taller and longer, twisted and contorted. He used to dream of the palace like this. Everything was exaggerated and empty. However, there were differences... This hall was covered in green, oozing vines. Eyes in the walls followed every step.

"Willow?" He asked and listened to his voice echo. Silence. He continued to walk and listened to each step that echoed through the empty hallways that seemed to last forever. Eventually he came to a stop as he saw a huge door "the throne room-" he whispered under his breath. He pushed it open and stepped inside, the door closing behind him. He breathed wearily, each step further felt like an eternity "Gus?" He asked, spinning. Did he hear something??? Was something moving "L-Luz- this isn't funny" he said, feeling the dread that came with someone watching him "Willow- please come out" he said now practically pleading. Then he went silent as he took another step. The sound of a wet crunch rang through the huge dark room. Slowly looking down, he didn't want to see- bones- blood- goo- it was everywhere. He gasped in panic. It was him- so many of him- masks littered everywhere- he felt sick. He backed away trying to not cry, his hands covered his mouth so he wouldn't gag, trying to wake up! He wanted to breathe! He needed to wake up and breathe!!!

He bumped into something as he was stepping back... tall. Cloaked. Boney. Cold. Slimy... "Welcome home. Hunter..." a voice hissed in his ear. A voice he knew more than anything in the whole universe. A voice he wished he could forget yet knew that it would be forever burned into his eardrums. Forever plaguing his memory. Every waking thought. Every single minute. Every ticking second. It played in his ears... he turned slowly. His breath completely stopped. Every millisecond felt like eons until he stood there. Face to face with an unmasked Emperor Belos "It feels..." he took in a deep breath and chuckled with a grin so twisted it made Hunter wish he had died instead of went to sleep "so good to have you back" he said reaching his hand out, the hand almost made contact with Hunter's cheek. He snapped out of it.

"GET AWAY!" He yelped in terror. Falling back into the pool of mixed blood, goo and bones from Belos. Ruining the clothes Mrs. Noceda had gotten him. He stumbled back, crawling backwards before turning to stand and run. He slammed into the door and threw it open. He stepped through but began to fall again. The ground caved in and he fell through the dark before landing on his back. He sat up faster than he should, feeling pain rattle throughout his body. That was nothing... compared to the horror he felt when he was looking right at Belos in the same room. Sitting in the same pool he had just crawled in to get away.

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