Where are we?

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The art above is by CEO of Raeda. All rights and respect to them

Hello! Sorry for the slight delay. Still being dragged through coals emotionally. Also sorry this chapter is on the shorter side, I've been wanting to keep it to at least 2,000 words per chapter, but if I did try To make it longer this chapter would have already been later than it is. I will do better next time! Anyway without further ado, here it is!

Word count 1757


Hunter hadn't slept at all that night. He had been watching the outside. The rain had stopped and the sun was about to break the horizon. Willow had just fallen asleep, maybe an hour or two ago. The adrenaline finally wearing her down enough to finally sleep. Her head was leaning against his shoulder. He hadn't bothered her about it since she needed the rest, besides he'd rather her rest on his shoulder than for her to use one of the old moldy boards on the other side of her. Hunter finally decided he couldn't wait in this place anymore. The two had to move. "Willow" Hunter whispered and shook her shoulder gently "Willow we have to move. Just in case those guys come back." He continued.

Willow stretched as much as she could in the cramped space and said "I guess you're right. But it would be nice to sleep for a little longer" she said disappointed.

"Well then how about I let you sleep and get captured while I go and figure out where we are at" Hunter said in a sarcastic, joking sort of way as he gave one of those wide, fake nice smiles.

Willow playfully punched Hunter's arm "ha ha, your so funny" she said sarcastically back "now get your scrawny self out of that window so WE can figure out where we are at" she said.

Hunter rolled his eyes and laughed, climbing out of the window, first poking out his head and looking both ways cautiously. Once he was sure it was clear he slid out, then he turned around and held his hand out to Willow and she grabbed it and he pulled her out. The two were silent once out of the small space. Willow bumped her elbow onto Hunter's upper arm and pointed at the top of the building. Hunter knew what she meant. For them to go to the top of the building so they could look around and see where they were. He nodded then looked at some metal ledge things with ladders to climb up to the roof. The lowest ladder was raised out of reach. Hunter grinned and he charged towards a dumpster, he jumped on top of it then jumped towards the wall and he pushed off of the bricks and grabbed the bottom of the ladder. The metal began to creak and it started to lower until his feet hit the concrete below. He pulled the ladder the rest of the way down. Willow came up to him and grinned while she whispered "show off" and began to climb.

"I try," he said proudly and followed up the ladder towards the rooftop. Willow disappeared at the top and Hunter quickly followed, he noticed she stood completely still and he came up beside her- and holy mother of Titan- "where- where did they take us?" He asked.

The two stared as the sun cast a light on huge structures, making them shimmer a golden glow. Like dew-covered spiderwebs when the sun breaks the horizon. The two walked towards the edge of the building "This- this must be one of the cities Luz talked about" Willow said with an awe filled tone.

"City? What is a city?" Hunter asked not sure what Willow was talking about.

"Huge places made of concrete and glass. Luz said they can go for miles, sometimes be bigger than the isles themselves." Willow said, still awestruck. Then she realized what she said "oh- bigger than the isles"

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