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The art above is by TheCryBabyPrincess🌙✨ on Twitter, all credit and respect to them :]

Whoopssss meant to post this yesterday smh oh well, here it is now! Not much to say except I hope all of you are doing well and I hope you enjoy this chapter! The word count is 2969 words lol.


Hunter woke up at his usual wake up time today. Right as the sun was coming up. His sleep schedule has always been a wreck so going to bed at late hours and waking up with the sun was quite normal. But he realized he was not laying on the floor. He was sitting up, on the couch, leaning against Willow... he shrugged it off. Friends did that sort of thing all the time right? Yeah, they have to, right? It must be normal, so making a big deal out of it would be really weird right? Right. He stood up and stretched and lifted up Willow and laid her down on the sleeping bag and covered her up. He nodded once she was in bed and he went outside on the back porch. In the mornings he would have usually spent as much time as possible with Flapjack. By petting him or playing small games with him. Flapjack loved mornings. Hunter sat on the steps and looked out to the yard, resting his elbows on his knees and placing his chin in the palms of his hands. He hoped Flapjack was okay.

He spent the next hour or so watching the birds fly around, Noise was beginning to rise within the house. It sounded like Mrs. Noceda making breakfast. Hunter went in and headed towards the kitchen, he stayed quiet because no one was up yet. "Buenos dias Hunter. How did you sleep?" She asked kindly. Everyone in this house was so nice it was hard to adjust to.

"I slept okay. Thanks for asking" he said then looked at her getting breakfast started "do you need any extra hands?" He asked, hoping she would say yes.

"Of course, come stir this batter for me" she said and gave Hunter a spoon and he began to stir. The two cooked in silence for a while and then Mrs. Noceda asked him a question "so Hunter. How is everyone? And how are?" She asked. He didn't know how to answer, everyone was excited to see the human world, just under different conditions. They were all stressed and felt awful, just covering everything up with laughs and smiles. Like putting a bandage on a stab wound.

"We are hanging in there. As best as we can'' he said, not answering the second question. He thought the second question was stupid. Why wouldn't he be okay? He was probably the most okay person here right!? Yeah! Boom, take that nerves, he was perfectly okay.

"As long as you say you are okay... I know Luz says she is okay and is joking around still. But she is not one to let things roll over her. She is probably taking all of the blame right now... and I don't know what to do to help her" she said. Her concern for her daughter was touching. He thought for a little bit unsure how to help.

"Maybe if you talked to her about it? Talking to her seems to get through to her. Especially if it's Amity. Maybe if all of you talked about it fully it would help her" he said, not including himself. Why would he include himself if he was the one who failed to help. He failed all of them, it was his fault really, so if they all talked about it he would have to apologize, and the others would never forgive him. Even if they are nice, people have limits, they have too.

What Mrs. Noceda and Hunter were making pancakes. And others began to pour in, but Luz and Amity weren't down yet. Hunter helped serve pancakes to Willow, Gus, and Vee then sat down next to Willow, becoming rather close to her since they first met. Willow took a bite of her food and looked at Hunter "hey, did you move me to my sleeping bag? I don't remember laying down last night." She asked, curious about it clearly.

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