Get out

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Art by: Chirrae_ on Twitter (all rights and respect to them)

Hiiii sorry I poofed for a few weeks there hahaaa. Shit hit the fan. Applying to college, moving, crying, getting declined by colleges. My dad forcing me to pay rent to live at the house cause I have a job now. And my family not excepting me for my gender and sexuality. Yeah. It's been a wild ride. So yeah. It's been depressing so I had to force myself to finish this chapter today. But yeah. Sorry that took a while.

Work count: 2106

Hunter's screams turned into a laughing fit. Two people were sitting in front of Hunter, one was on the shorter side, he had boxed glasses and curly brown hair. The other guy was much taller, and was more muscular wearing sunglasses. Hunter continued to laugh while he was tied to a chair so tightly that the only things he could move were his hands, feet, and head. "This is cute and all buuuut you guys are pretty sloppy kidnappers. I should know" he laughed.

The smaller guy groaned "did they have to get the one with the annoying voice?" He asked rhetorically.

Hunter looked down "again with the annoying voice" he said, sounding genuinely hurt by that. Before he began to struggle trying to get out of the chair.

"Struggle all you want, witch. You aren't leaving. So you might as well give us some answers" he said. The smaller guy clearly was going to do all the talking.

"Hey! I'm not a witch! Pshhhh, I have always been human" he said defensively. Ready to argue this till the very end.

"Really? You're seriously going to argue this? You have pointed ears, and your friend who we have here made plants grow within seconds to fight us." He said not impressed.

"Oh- rats" he said before he realized what exactly he said. They had Willow, and then his mood changed instantly. He wanted to hex this guy right then and there, oh he wished he had his staff to do so. However, he knew he had to stay calm. He needed to make sure Willow would be okay. "Wait? You think she's my friend? Haha! You are more bad at this than I gave you credit for" Hunter said with a sigh after laughing.

"Oh, well then our apologies, since she is not your friend then I guess we can take her out of the picture. After all we do only need one of you to find out all we need to know" the smaller man snapped his fingers and the large man began to walk towards the door. Sweat the size of bullets began to form on Hunter. As the man got closer and closer to the door the fear compounded into something that shook him to the very core, a fear that even Titan himself would feel it radiate off of Hunter.

"Wait!" Hunter blurted. The jig was up as soon as it began. And the large man turned and the thin man nodded.

"So she is a friend?" The small man asked, Hunter sighed, he felt so stupid, he should have tried to do something else.

"Yes- but you don't need to keep her here. Just let her go she won't be able to help you" hunter said, if he got Willow out of this then he would be still completing his mission. A mission he put on himself but a mission nonetheless.

"No. Sorry. That won't happen. But we can make sure... terrible, unfortunate accidents, that happen all the time, don't happen" he said with a smile "all you have to do is tell us what we want to know" he said in a condescending way.

Hunter looked down. Weighing out his options and he caved in "fine. What do you want to know?"

He smiled "well what we want is for you to tell us where you come from" he didn't ask for the answer. It was so clear that this guy was demanding it. It made Hunter a bit queasy, uneasy, like he had been in this situation before...

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