Dont Get Caught

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(Art by elibethqueen 👑 on Twitter. All rights and respect to them :])

Hello everyone, thank you for reading. It really means a lot to know that people are actually reading this. I wish I posted more consistently but I have issues with due dates because I get distracted. But anyway, I hope you enjoy.

Word count: 2407
Hunter looked at the van "we should go" he whispered. Willow just nodded. And the two stood up and began walking. The van slowly drove towards them. "Keep walking. Don't look suspicious" he whispered and Willow did so. Then there was another guy, wearing all black that came from around the side of a house and into view. "Change direction," Hunter whispered. And they shifted. Then another guy appeared on the opposite side of the street. Hunter looked around. The once lively street had not a soul on it now. It was only them and these guys. "They are going to cut us off," he whispered.

"I know. What are we going to do?" Willow asked. Hunter kept walking, listening to the car wheeling right behind them. He looked to the sides of them. No one was there.

"Okay. You may not like it" Hunter began "but we are going to break off into separate ways whenever I say break. Then we run like hell." He said quietly.

"What?! What if they capture one of us?" She whispered "we should not split up." She said firmly.

"The chances of them catching us once we are split up is less than if we are together. Besides if one of us gets captured the other can follow to help them" he whispered, the break point was coming up.

"What if you get captured? I can't just let that happen, feathers for brains" she said firmly.

"I won't, and you better not get captured or else I'll have you make me more flower crowns" he whispered with a grin.

Willow didn't want to go through with this plan, but they caved in "fine." She whispered.

"Good because break" he whispered then bolted to the right, Willow took action and bolted to the left.

"Get them!" Loud shouting came from the guys.

"Which one?!" Another asked.

"Split up! Get both!" They shouted.

Willow jumped over fences and grew little thorn vines on them so it will take the guys longer to climb. She kept doing this until she came to a house with a pool in the yard. One of the guys cut her off and walked around the pool towards her. She made a circle motion with her hand and a plant hit him into the pool. She continued to charge onward.

Meanwhile Hunter was vaulting over fences with ease but then he landed in one and there were loud barks. It was one of those slobber monsters that licked him, and it was a big one. Hunter held out his hands "easy- easy- I'm not here for this house- I'm leaving" he said to the dog, the dog watched him, not making a move and then the animals head looked towards the fence where others were shouting. Hunter ran to the other side and jumped over it. He heard shouts of pain and loud barking behind him "thank you slobber monster" he said to himself with a grin.

Willow was panicking, there were a lot more guys chasing after her than before. She could take them, that was not her worry, her worry was for Hunter. If more guys were on her tail, then they would definitely be on his. She used plants to drag her down and to pull her back up in another yard, she then continued to run.

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