Lunch is Served

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(Art by N_bee07 on Twitter! All rights and respect to them :])

Hi! Finally got this chapter up. Stuffs still been crazy, still no college, and I haven't seen anyone accept my immediate family for months, low key thinking I'm going to go insane because I can't be myself around them, I am a transmasc enby and I can't fricken make jokes about it while around my family. I am also ace and my family keeps making ummm certain jokes that make me uncomfortable, I have expressed it makes me uncomfortable when they do it. It feels weird, like they are my family! My siblings don't do it, it's my parents, I don't mind if it's like me and my friends that make jokes like that, but it's like- they are my parents. I just don't know what to do anymore. I have to be frickin straight around my family. It sucks ass. Anyway! Have this chapter and I hope you like it!

Word count: 2029

The two had been walking for hours, just talking and joking around with each other "alrighty Mr. I know everything. What are we going to eat?" Willow asked with her arms crossed teasing him. The two had not left the city yet and were unsure when the end of the city was going to come, but they hoped by nightfall.

"Well. I'm not sure but it's going to be something. Just I don't think stealing is the best option." Hunter said in a matter of fact way.

"Awww it's so cute how you follow the rules even though you're a self proclaimed run away" Willow continued to tease him. She had been the one to suggest stealing food. She felt bad for stealing but desperate times call for desperate measures. So she was more willing to bend the rules given the circumstances.

Hunter gave that one look that was a frustrated look that was completely undermined by the deep red that covered his face "I- I am not! I will break the rules! What do you want to eat?! Actually- never mind! You don't get to choose because you are being annoying" Hunter said, crossing his arms, looking away.

"How about that place?" Willow said and pointed to a fast food place that had two Golden Arches.

"Fine!" Hunter said and stormed off. Willow just laughed. Hunter wasn't really upset, he was just making a scene because... well he wasn't sure. He found it funny the way Willow teased him about things, it did make him feel closer to her, like they were really good friends. Probably that's why. He got behind the building and watched cars pass by windows where food was handed from the person in the window to the vehicles, he learned what cars were called which was way shorter than what he was calling them.

"Here is your Mc. Sodas, with your Mc. Straws, along with 10 Mc. Nuggets, one Mc. Burger hold the Mc. Mayo, two large Mc. Fries, and your Mc. Napkins and Mc. Ketchup" a lady said, holding out food.

"AHHHHH!!!!!" A blond blur shot between the car and the building and within seconds the food was gone and a kid was running. There may have been shouting but Hunter did not stick around long enough to hear it. He ran back to Willow and kept running for a long while. Before finally stopping "see" he said sounding tired "I told you I would get food" he said then sat down.

Willow laughed and sat down "I had zero doubts" she said in a jokingly sarcastic way.

"I knew it! You thought I wouldn't go through with it!" He said with a laugh then he began to pull food out of the greasy bags "Soooo what do you want, there are some nuggets of some kind, a patty between two buns. Drinks and some fries." Hunter could recognize some of these things, he just didn't know what they were made of, it probably was entirely different from the food they had that looked similar on the isles.

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