Intermission of the Path

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Art by FunneyLizzie (all rights and respect to them :])

Yeahhh I know this is late as always, but what can I say, it's been a bit hectic here lol. Also I just wanna say I am super excited for season three premier tomorrow! Anyway, I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Word count: 3123


"Okay! Okay! I tap out!" Hunter shouted trying to get out of Willow's grip, but she had his head locked as they walked. They had both been playing tag and trying to catch each other. Hunter sometimes managed to succeed, but Willow was some kind of secret master at this game. Hunter never got to play games, so this journey with Willow was all new to him since they did nothing but play games when they were walking. It was a nice distraction from the fact that they were being hunted, and they were away from any sort of safety.

"Fiiiiine, I shall grant you mercy" Willow said jokingly and let him go, after messing up his hair. Hunter almost fell back but caught his balance.

"What on earth do you do in your spare time? Do you fight titans or something?" He said out of breath while rolling his shoulders. They had been at this all morning, the woods were a lot more dense now so the two had been practically chasing one another throughout an obstacle course.

"Maybe I do" she said with a grin "if I did there would be no witnesses, it would melt their minds to see the sheer awesomeness that the fight would have" she said in a matter of fact way as the two walked "so Feather head, you like to cook and read about wild magic. Do you have any other hobbies or are you just that bland" she teased as she jumped over a fallen log.

"Haha, very funny, that's not all I do. I- well... ummm I really enjoyed playing flyer derby, does that count?" He asked, catching up to her and then slowed his pace to match her's.

"I guess that counts, but you seriously don't have anything else you did on your one day off in the year or your free time? Anything at all" she asked in both a curious and concerned way.

"I train, dueling, working on my spells to be more powerful, stuff like that" he said that was the only thing he had ever really done, the cooking thing was new since he was a prince after all so never had a need to cook and had just begun to learn with Mrs. Noceda, the reading about wild magic was the thing he did most since it was easy to get access to those books and read them late into the night so Belos wouldn't catch him, the flyer derby thing was also new since he had only done it once, he didn't really do anything else.

"No, that does not count because it needs to be something that is entirely fun, I don't even count my own training as a hobby" she said with a patient smile.

Hunter really thought and only one thing came to mind. He didn't do it often, and he really wished he could do it more and become really good at it.

"Well- I am not really the best at it, but I kinda like to carve wood? I always thought it would be cool to make things like palisman, but I used to quickly push those thoughts out and just resort to a bunch of other more stupid things. I always gave my carvings to Belos, so I don't have any of them. I'm pretty sure he threw them all away because they were pretty bad." He said with a laugh.

"What!? Carving is such a cool thing!? How come you have kept this talent of yours from me?" She asked, her interest peaked "I am sure they were not bad, as soon as we get back to Luz's house I need to see you and your craft" she said shaking his shoulder in excitement.

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