What He's Done

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(Art by AS Estrada on Twitter:])
Hello! Me again! Yeah, sorry it always takes me longer than I intended to. Sooooo as a treat for all of you being so patient, I did a longer chapter than usual:]

So thank you, writing this has been helping me get through some difficult times. I hope all of you are doing okay. Stay safe and healthy.

Word count: 3981


Hunter gasped awake, sitting straight up but then reeled back in pain. "Ow- ow- gah" he winced, wrapping his arms around his sides because he could not reach his back.

"Easy there Golden Guard, you could rip your stitches if you move that fast again" someone said, trying to get Hunter to sit back again "your cuts were too deep to leave unattended, you're lucky you woke up as soon as you did" said the familiar voice. It was Maizey from the castle's infirmary, Hunter often had to visit her for one reason or another, it could be he just got a few hits during a mission, Kikimora being a stupid gremlin that lived in his walls trying to take him out, or he had been dealt with by his uncle. Maizey had become one of the most welcoming witches in the castle. How she was so kind was confusing to Hunter but he enjoyed these visits. Even if it meant there was a painful event that transpired beforehand.

"How long have I been out?" He asked as Maizey checked his eyes and examined him. She was a green, reptilian-like creature with a long body and legs that looked short but that was because they were always bent. She had spikes all over her and a short snout.

"About two days, anyone else probably would have been asleep for a lot longer, but for some reason you refuse to obey the rules of biology" she said with a laugh. Hunter let out an amused huff through his nose.

"Two days is too long. Where is the Emperor? I have to go to him now" Hunter said trying to stand up but Maizey forced him to stay sitting.

"No Golden Guard, sir. I can't let you leave without asking a few questions. I need to add this to your extensive medical record." she said pulling out a pen and a slip "now what happened?"

Hunter went silent. The words 'I expect just punishment' echoed in his head. The way that his uncle just- changed and- and then- Hunter gripped the sheets of the bed and looked at Maizey "I don't think this is necessary, my cloak please. I must return to the emperor's side" he said and began to stand up. Then Maizey stopped him once more.

"Sir. What happened?" She asked more sternly.

"He fell" someone said from behind Hunter, he went stiff as the person gripped his shoulder. That cold voice. His uncle was with them in the infirmary. "I saw him trying to push past his staff speed record. Then he fell off, the trees caught him but gave him deep gashes. That's when I brought him to you" Belos said. That made Hunter look at Belos, he brought Hunter here? Usually he made him go on his own.

"Oh thank you, your majesty." She then wrote it down and grabbed the golden guards things and gave it to him. "There you go, Golden Guard Sir. Be careful with those stitches"

"Thank you Maizey. The Titan will be most pleased with your services." Belos said then turned to Hunter "come along Golden Guard. I have urgent business to discuss with you in my quarters." Belos said as he turned and began to walk away. Hunter quickly threw on his things, falling over and knocking things down in the process. He finally put on his mask. And ran up beside Belos and began walking next to him. Glaring at anyone who would dare get even near the Emperor. Hunter remained silent. He knew all too well of the dangers of speaking out of turn. He would do his best to please his uncle like his uncle deserved to be pleased.

What is this Feeling?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora