It's a Zoo Thing

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Art by: snoozu on Twitter (all rights and respect to them :])

Haha, funny story. I've had this chapter made for a long while. But I keep forgetting to post. So now I'm posting this in a gas station parking lot, because I got a flat tire and no one can get to me for a few hours. Welp! Also I'm in a really good mood because I got called a strong young man earlier sooooo I was inspired to get stuff done, transmasc life smh. Hope you guys enjoy! Remember to stay safe, and thank you for sticking with this fic :]

Word count: 3091


Hunter and Luz made it home by 10:00 pm that night, it was late and they were exhausted. When they opened the door Willow and Gus ambushed Hunter with a hug "Gah! Whah!" he yelped in shock.

"What happened to you Hunter? You said you would only be a few minutes, it was hours?" Willow asked, she had relief written all over her face. Hunter shamefully rubbed his forearm, he felt so bad for what he put everyone through. He didn't mean to make anyone super worried. However, he couldn't answer that question, even though he still didn't know how that happened. He could have sworn he had only been gone for fifteen minutes... so how did it turn into hours?

"I-I don't know just time slipped away I guess" he said with a nervous smile as he rubbed the back of his neck. Willow gave him the 'uh huh, sure' look before Luz interjected.

"OKAY! Welp! It's time for bed everyone! Hunter, you have the same food on the table! So everyone, let's stop asking questions and go to bed!" Luz pushed everyone to go to bed before questions could be asked. Hunter watched everyone disappear to their rooms and Luz looked at him "are you going to be okay?" She asked.

Hunter was spaced out but he snapped out of it when he was addressed "yeah. Yeah I'll be fine. Ima go eat" he said and walked to the table. Luz nodded and walked away. Everything was so empty without everyone. He sat down in front of a plate and looked at it. He didn't feel hungry. He wanted to eat... but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He just sat there before a familiar voice entered the room.

"That's weird, usually you would have finished your plate by now" a kind voice said, Hunter tiredly turned to the voice and smiled.

"Hey captain, I thought Luz sent everyone to bed?" He asked, kinda glad that she didn't.

"Yeahhh well I snuck out while she went to the bathroom" Willow said and sat down. "So- why aren't you eating? Was what happened in the forest really that bad?" She asked.

"What?!" He said then looked around, realizing he was pretty loud "no. It was just my stupid brain playing tricks on me." He said with a sigh. "I just wish it would stop and I could just be... you know... normal" he said and placed his head into the palms of his hands. He was so tired. He just wanted to move on.

He felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked, Willow was there smiling at him. "I don't know if it will ever be normal. Buuuuut we can definitely get the help you desperately need back on the isles. A good therapist ought to do the trick." she smiled at him.

He couldn't help but smile back, her grin was by all accounts infectious, he wished he could smile like that. "Soooo..." Hunter finally broke the silence "what do you think Luz has planned for us tomorrow?" he asked, trying to at least eat a bit, but his appetite was completely gone after the events that took place that night.

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