Where are They?!

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(Art by steli on Twitter, all rights and respect to them :])

Welp another day another chapter! Man I am tired of everything. Boyfriend is still at boot camp so it's been rather lonely. But eh, he'll be back this month. Anyway, I hope you enjoy!

Word count: 1817


Luz was hugging amity tightly "I shouldn't have sent them! It's my fault Amity! I- I'm sorry" Luz felt awful. Their friends have been missing for two days. They couldn't involve the cops because well- they didn't exist in this world. She should have been there to protect them. No, it should have been her and amity that went. They could have made it back. But it didn't make any sense, Willow was an amazing witch and Hunter was a strong fighter. What happened?

"Luz, it's not your fault. They are strong. They will make it back. And we will be looking for them the entire time" Amity said and kissed her forehead "don't blame yourself for this, it's going to be okay. Do you honestly think Willow is going to let anyone push her around? And Hunter? Well I don't think his pride will let anything happen to him," Amity said in a comforting and slightly joking way. In all honesty though, she was on the verge of a panic attack, she had just got her friend back. She knew it was a bad idea to send her off with that Hunter guy. If he laid one hand on her, she would make him pay a million times over. But she couldn't express this to Luz, she had to keep Luz calm, if she lost it, then the group would be lost. Gus hadn't spoken ever since they didn't return and Vee had been trying to cheer him up.

Luz weakly laughed "I guess you're right" she said, trying to wipe off tears. Amity knew Luz still blamed herself but there was nothing she could do about that now.

"Now we need to make a plan. We need to find the others, but we also need to figure out how to get home at the same time." Amity said.

"You're right" Gus said. It shocked everyone so much that they just stared at Gus. "Willow and Hunter would want us to keep trying to get out of here. I've never known two witches that are more capable than them. Tomorrow, you and Luz will find us a way out here. Vee and I will search the town for Hunter and Willow, if we are lucky they probably got insanely lost by accident" Gus planned. It was the best plan anyone could think of, so there was no sense in arguing. So with a nod everyone went to bed. Ready to conquer the next day.

Willow woke up with a yawn. 'Wait- where is Hunter?' She thought and looked around. She looked down, and to her surprise Hunter's jacket was on top of her. She blushed a deep red "did- did he put this on me while I was asleep?" She asked herself and then she heard his voice.

"NO! Shew!!! LEEEEEAVE!!!!!" He shouted. Willow laughed to herself 'what is he doing?' She walked around the roof door to see Hunter waving away birds, there was food on a wooden box, and two smaller boxes to act as a table and chairs, and- his hair!

"Hunter! You- your hair! And where did you get the food?" Hunter turned around and gave a look of surprise and his face reddened, like his plan was foiled.

"Oh! Hi- uhhhh yeah- I thought it was time for a change" he said and ran his hand through his hair, it was red! And the little piece of hair that stuck out started red but ended black, and the sides of his hair were still blonde. "Oh and don't worry about the food" he said.

"Come on there has to be some of that money a human dropped around here somewhere" Hunter said rummaging through anything to see if you could find something of value.

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