All in Your Head

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Art by: 3ks_dee on instagram! All rights and respect to them 💅✨

Heyyyy guys. Sorry it took so long to update, College is taking up all of my time 😭😭😭. But here have a chapter! Sorry it was so short, this is the chapter before things progress a lot more rapidly for the fanfic and I didn't really want to write about things that happened perfectly in the show, soooo boom. Have this! I hope to have the next chapter out by next week! That is if my adhd will let me smhhhh.

Word count: 1819


"RUN!!!" Hunter screamed as a swarm of bees chased after him and Gus. Willow was working in the garden that she had been growing in front of the abandoned house they all hung out in. She picked a flower and smelled it as the two shrieked and ran around.

"Hunter buddyyyyy, would you forgive me if I tripped you so you could distract the bees?" Gus asked with a smile as they ran.

"NO!!! I wouldn't ever forgive you!!! What kind of question is that!?!?" Hunter shouted in a panic.

"Eh. It was worth a shot" Gus said before resuming his screams of terror. Before finally the buzzing stopped. The two turned around and saw that clover was leading the bees away. Hunter fell on the ground with a thud. He decided he was just going to lay down for a bit after that horrifying experience.

"It's official, earth bees suck and I never want them near me again" Hunter sighed.

"I saw you two made some friends." Willow said with a laugh as she walked over to the two.

"NO! They were not friendlyyyyy" Gus said looking around waiting for them to come back, he was scarred for life now.

"Well I told you that messing with their hive was a bad idea." Willow said, holding a hand out to Hunter. He grabbed her hand, making a sound like he was dapping her up. She helped hoist him up. And he let go of her hand, brushing off the dirt from his clothes.

"Well how was I supposed to know they would be mad when we tried to eat the honey?" Hunter asked as he was hauled back up.

"We have fire bees on the isles Hunter, I thought you would put two and two together" Willow laughed and then Hunter and Gus joined in.

"Okay you three!!! Enough playing with dangerous insects! Today is door testing day!!!" Luz cried out and everyone gathered around the door. After weeks of planning, they were going to go home! Finally, it felt like it had been years since they had been back on the isles, in reality it had been only a month or two. The palisman were at the ready "okay so put your palisman in the running wheels" so everyone did. The whole group stepped back and watched. The palisman began to run, faster and faster. Sparks of magic flew from the door, it was working! Did they fix the door on the first try!? This was it- but as everyone was about to celebrate the door erupted into flames.

"CRAP! Put it out!!!!" Amity shouted. Gus grabbed a fire extinguisher, and began to twirl it above his head about to chuck it, in the chaos hunter grabbed the palisman and brought them away from the door. And finally the door was put out. The whole group was silent. They had spent weeks planning for this door. And it was a massive failure. They all stood there and looked at the burnt door for a few long, silent moments. Gus made the first move as he walked over and began to pick up the equipment and everyone followed his example. This was a devastating blow to all of them.

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