Just Breathe

259 11 21

Art by: crummy.soda (all rights and respect to them :])

Heyooooo! Finally got around to posting this. I would explain what happened but it was a loooooot, long story short I'm here now! And I decided to treat you guys with some fluff, after all, you only get a few more chapters before angst takes full control and fluff isn't part of the equation. That and it's been a while so some cute stuff was definitely needed. Anyway enjoy! Sorry again it took so long!

Word count: 2069 (haha, nice)


"Oh chill out" Sash said with a laugh "we will have you guys back home in literally no time. We were afraid you guys would have already gone home, but you didn't. So we decided to take advantage of this business opportunity before you leave," Sash said.

This kinda eased the two. They would be back home soon, which was great! But they still didn't know what was going to happen "okay, what is the plan?" Willow asked.

"Glad you asked!" Cody said with a grin "so the plan is we are going to hand you two off to the people. We get the money and while one of our guys takes off with the money, a team will follow you guys, rescue you, and take you back home. Literally that's all that it is." He explained.

"Way to steal my thunder" Sash teased Cody. "But yeah, that's all there is to it, tomorrow at midnight is when we will be handing you off, so be ready." Sash said with a grin.

Hunter was fidgeting, badly, and his foot was tapping as he thought. He wanted to help them, he really did. But he was tired of fighting... he was tired of living life on the edge really. He wanted to do fun things, like go to these things called conventions, sew things, and play games with his friends. He was hoping his next and final fight would be on the boiling isles where he got his home back. Willow must have seen how Hunter was acting because she spoke up "I-we would love to help you, but right now is just... not a really good time. We are all going through a lot" she said kindly.

"No." Hunter said and looked up "we will help you." He said. Willow gave him a look as if asking if he was sure, and he just nodded.

"Okay then. I guess we are in" Willow said in a determined way.

"Perfect!" Sash said. "Welp! I'll have Charlie show you guys your bunks" she said. Hunter kinda rolled his eyes, still upset about how Charlie tricked them. Scared him half to death. He was trying to let it go though, she was just doing what she was told.

Hunter and Willow walked out of the room and Charlie was waiting there "come on! I'll show you two around" she said and began to lead the way. Showing them a food area with bagged lunches and such, that kids came to grab. She showed them areas where kids played, like an underground basketball court, a tunnel that they chose to skate in, a hide and seek area. But finally Charlie showed them the sleeping area, a place where kids can stay temporarily or for the long haul. It was crazy that a place like this could exist. There were bunk beds, cots made in the brick walls, lanterns hanging everywhere. It was actually really nice, some kids had toys they were playing with on their beds, some were decorated to show it belonged to a specific kid "here you two go, a bunk bed just for you two" she said with a smile.

"I call top bunk" Willow said immediately.

"Hey! Not fair!" Hunter said with a laugh at how quick she was to call it.

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