"It doesn't matter what you did, we aren't mad and we definitely aren't going to yell at you."

He leans against Scar, relaxing into the hug.

"You're so tired G, get some sleep."

"I don't want to be alone."

"You won't be, Mumbo and I will be here when you wake up."

"You two need sleep too."

"We will, don't worry about us, just sleep."

Grian grabs Scar's hand, "Thank you both..."

"Get some sleep pesky bird."

He smiles a tiny bit, laying down and falling asleep.

"Mumbo, what do we do?"

The Brit sighs, "I'll talk to him later after he wakes up and calms down. Worse case scenario we have to go to Xisuma. I don't want to but if it means keeping Grian safe I will."

"Has this happened before?"


"Mumbo we need to tell X, what if this has happened between now and then? Who knows how much this happens, it's not good, it worries me."

"You're right...he's online and Gri should be asleep for awhile, we should do it now."

Scar nods and the two get up, making sure Grian would be ok before heading over to Xisuma's. 

"X? Are you here?"

"Hey Mumbo, Scar, what's up?"

"Do you have a minute?"

"Yeah, what's up?"

"Its about Grian but don't freak out."

"What happened to Grian?"

The American looks away, "We found him hurting himself..."


"Mumbo and I found Grian hurting himself..."

"And you left him alone?"

"He's sleeping, I wouldn't leave him alone if he was awake."

Scar places a hand on Mumbo's shoulder to calm him, "We didn't want to wait to tell you, we don't know what to do X."

"Ok, I'm going to go get Cub and meet you two at Grian's base, ok?"

"X...Grian doesn't handle this stuff well, he's gone through so much. We can't push him."

"We won't Mumbo, I'll meet you at G's, ok?"

Mumbo nods and the three go in opposite directions.


"Mumbo are we sure about this? I mean I want to help him but what if we messed up?"

"I know Grian, he won't get the help himself unless he's on the brink of death. I didn't want to go to X either but we had to."

"You two are so loud."

"Sorry G, did you have a good nap?"

"Mhmmm," He makes grabby hands, "Come here."

Mumbo sits next to Grian, allowing the smaller to wrap his arms around him.

"How are you feeling?"




"Good, why didn't you come to me?"

"Didn't want to bother you."

"You could never bother me pesky bird."

The three look over as Xisuma and Cub enter the room.

"Hey guys, what's up?"

"Hey G, how are you feeling?"

"Fine, did I do something wrong? Why is everyone at my base?"

"You didn't do anything wrong Grian, X and I just want to make sure you're ok."


"Grian...are you hurting yourself?"

"Cub! You can't just ask that."

Mumbo looks down as the parrot tenses, the room growing silent.

"Why would you think that?"

"Are you hurting yourself Grian?"

"No." He looks away from the mustached man.


"Grian it's ok if you are, no one would be mad at you. Cub and I want to help you."

"Guys really, I'm fine."

"Enough Grian, Mumbo and I watched you slit your wrist, just let us help you!"

Grian sits up, looking over at Scar, "Scar..."

Cub sits on the edge of the bed, "Can I see?"

The shorter looks at Mumbo.

"Its ok Gri, he just wants to make sure it won't get infected."

The pesky bird rolls his sleeve up, showing Cub.

"Can I take the bandage off?"

Grian nods and Cub gently takes the wrap off, examining his wrist.

"It won't get infected, did you clean this yourself?"

"Mumbo did it."

"You've had practice Mumbo?"

"You could say that."

Cub rewraps Grian's arm, "You want to tell me what caused this?"


"Bad trigger?"

He nods.

"Does anyone know?"


"Next time you feel like this can you go to him?"

He nods and Mumbo hugs him.

"Was it about him?"

He nods, tears filling his eyes.

"Oh G...you're safe now, ok?"


"Can you tell me your name?"

"Grian." He wipes the tears away.

"That's right, Grian the pesky bird."

A small smile tugs at his lips.

"If you need someone Cub and I are here for you, ok G?"

"Thank you X."

"Will you be ok with these two?"

He nods.

"Ok, we'll see you later, yeah? Scar don't forget to come see me tomorrow. Now go to bed you three."

"I won't I won't."

Xisuma and Cub leave the three alone and Grian makes grabby hands at Scar.

"Come here."

He goes over, getting pulled down in the cuddle pile.

"I'm sorry Scar."

"Don't apologize, I'm just glad you're ok."

The three relax, falling into a comfortable silence and eventually sleep.

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