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The two boys, neglected by their friends, feel slightly uncomfortable, but they know they need to talk, so Jeonghan starts to speak.

" Joshua yesterday, why did you run away from me ? "

" That was too quick Jeonghan, we go from hating each other to wanting to make love to each other it's strange isn't it ? "

" I don't know about you, but personally I've never hated you, I've just been acting like it because your reactions are funny. "

" Look, I've never hated you either, plus you've saved me on several occasions. I really think we can finally start admitting defeat. "

" Hmm ? What's that supposed to mean ? "

" Being connected doesn't bother us as much as it used to. We're even starting to care about each other, aren't we ? Or I'm the only one who feels that way. "

Jeonghan turns his head towards Joshua, and Joshua does the same, their gazes coming to lock, then finally the vampire's deviates to the younger man's lips.

" You're definitely not the only one who feels attraction for the other."

" You can Jeonghan. "

" Do what ? "

" I saw your look on my lips, I'll make you a confession I'm dying for it too. Don't hold back."

Jeonghan advances his head towards the younger man's, closes his eyes and gently places his mouth on Joshua's, the latter also has his eyes closed, their kiss is much less wild less precised, it's much gentler, it's simply lips against lips.

Jeonghan simply begins to move his lips with that of his youngest.
The vampire has his hands on the younger man's back, who has his hands in the older man's blond, almost white hair - it's delicious. A simple touch of the lips that nevertheless has as much effect as an awkward, savage kiss, they're just enjoying the moment, their breaths calm and soothed they both know that this simple kiss will move their relationship Jeonghan is the first to pull back, he moves one of his hands to the younger man's cheek, they smile...

" Tell me Shua. "

" Hmm ? "

Jeonghan's attitude changes, a strong pressure is felt in his chest, his eyes turn reddish and his now purplish-red aura comes around him...

" Stay back ! Danger is coming. "

" What ? What do you mean ?!  "

The said Jeonghan jumped to his feet and the other three vampires joined them, they sensed danger approaching. Yet he had killed their elders, so why ? The four vampires looked at each other, and at that very moment, war was declared between them and the vampire hunters.

" Let me go, you bastard ! " Minghao shouts at a hunter.

" You don't touch my friend..."

" Jeonghan hyung ! Back away now."

Jeonghan complies and goes to Joshua's side.

" What's going on ? " Asks the human.

" No time to explain. "

" Who are they ? What do they want ? Answer me ! "

Jeonghan doesn't answer and charges at the unknown person, the latter lands on the ground but puts a syringe on Jeonghan's neck, Jeonghan convulses and loses blood, the person below laughs and pushes Jeonghan who continues to lose blood...

" Joshua quick, give him your blood ! " Minghao says, fighting with another person.

The latter, being more violent than his elder, doesn't hesitate to put a right on his assailant and bite him violently in the collarbone...

" We'll have your hide, vampires ! " says a hunter.

" No, never ! "replies Minghao

He doesn't want to kill him, just give him a good knockout like the others.

" Joshua hyung, I believe in you ! Please save Jeonghan, we need him ! "

" But..."

" Come on, hurry up ! "

Joshua saw Jeonghan's distress and became even more frightened when he saw Jun's eyes watering. Still, he moves closer to his eldest and settles down next to him...

" Jeonghan, open your eyes, you hear me you have no right to leave me ! "

" I'm fucking thirsty, Shua-ah."

" I know..."

Joshua brings his neck close to where his elder's mouth is, except...

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