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Joshua is an attractive seventeen year old boy with a passion for vampires. This so-called myth really intrigues him, and he's convinced that such creatures exist. His friends are fed up with him, and he's in a world of his own, immersed in the weirdest and craziest reading about this legend.

" Shua, hello, are you with me ? "

" Leave it, Chan he's in Vampire Country..."

" But it's so weird, he's digging something that doesn't exist, it's like he's digging Santa Claus.."

" Oh ! Chan leave me alone ! You want to be a couple with Seungcheol and nobody tells you anything ! "Joshua replies angrily.

Hansol and Seungwan laugh while Chan grunts in displeasure but also blushes...

" I've got no chance with him anyway." Says the young boy.

" Yes, him and his three acolytes it's not even worth trying..."

What Hansol calls 3 acolytes are Jeonghan, Junhui and Minghao, the best friends of Seungcheol, Chan's crush...

Why bother even trying ? Because they're four young men who are the kind of people who attract everyone but immediately repel them, which attracts both boys and girls alike. They are, as most students would say, " unapproachable."

" Can you please stop hovering around Junnie thank you. "

This Minghao said, his cold stare automatically making everyone move away.

" Apparently the two Chinese are together. " Says Hansol.

" Hmm, that still leaves Seungcheol. "

Joshua sighs, this conversation around in circles we always come back to this subject. It's true, he's immersed in his vampiric books and never looks at the boys around them. He closes his book, which makes a monstrous noise, and looks up at Chan.

" Chan, for God's sake, shut up ! If he doesn't realize how lucky he'd be to go out with you, he simply doesn't deserve you ! "

" Shua hyung ! "

" Chan, just because he's the kind of guy who looks black, and looks down on people, doesn't mean you d-"

" Who are you talking about little shit ? " Says a cold voice from behind Joshua.

The copperhead immediately falls silent and quickly turns around...

" I'm talking about you ! " Joshua says to Seungcheol.

" Watch your mouth. Kid."

" I'm not afraid of you, Choi ! "

" You should Hong..."

" Maybe ? But being afraid of you doesn't interest me, on that note, good night. school's out and I don't feel like sleeping here. "

With these words, he gets up and turns around, leaving the school. It's pitch-dark, but he's hanging around outside all the same. Bad idea, it's not just dark, it's downright night, a beautiful full moon accompanies the starry sky. Joshua sings quietly, until someone slams him against the wall behind him...

" Good evening, my sweetie. How'd you like to have some fun ? " Says a stranger

" Yes, but without you. So please let me go, thank you. " Retorts the copperhead coldly.

He struggles in vain, the person in front is far too strong.

" It's much more fun in pairs, don't you think ? "

" Certainly not, let go of me ! "

" No, not until I fuck you. "

" You sick fuck, get the fuck off me ! Asshole !"

The assailant slides his fingers over Joshua's frail body, but there's nothing more he can do as he's pulled back and beaten bloody. Joshua can't see who knows, all he can see is a battle, or rather a war. The assailant is underneath, beaten, bitten and scratched, bleeding all over the place. The stranger above, on the other hand, is so powerful that he's hardly hit at all, so he gets up and grabs the aggressor's collar...

" Don't let me find you here again, circling the establishment where your life is over, you bastard ! "

He mercilessly lets go of the man's collar, and the man promptly flees. The mysterious stranger approaches Joshua, still shocked by the scene that has just unfolded before his eyes.

" How do you feel ? You could have seriously defended yourself. "

" Fine, thanks. Because you think I didn't try ? "Joshua's voice echoes.

He inks his eyes in those of his savior...

" Don't scream like that, you moron..."

" You're going to talk to me better than that already. "

" I'll talk to you any way I want, is that clear ? I should have left you in that man's arms purée. "

" You save me but then you verbally abuse me what's your problem ? "

" Oh don't make me too angry. "

Joshua is pissed, really pissed at this boy then the more he looks at him the more he seems to recognize who it is.

" Jeonghan ? "

" You're dreaming, that's not my first name. "

Then the boy leaves, Joshua frowning he's convinced it's Jeonghan, the aura the boy gives off is the same as the establishment's popular but why is he acting like this ? Joshua doesn't understand, so he decides to go home.


Hello everyone I hope your fine !

Today I come-back with a JiHan Story, with Vampire ~

I hope your going to like it, enjoy ~

Bye bye kiss ( the world ) Skrr, I love you <3

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