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Joshua walks past Jeonghan and Seungcheol and out of the apartment, a little perturbed because he's just discovered, he wonders what happens if he sees the not-complete mark on Jeonghan's wrist. He sits down on the little bench and blows...

" You're coming out of Jeonghan's place, aren't you ? " Minghao says, looking towards the apartment.

" Yeah how did you know ? I pass a rough night..."

" You don't have to know how I know. I'm not even surprised that your night have been hard.."

" Why did you say that like you know everything ?"

" I know everything that the point. The- no nothing..."

" You started your sentence Minghao. So finish it. "

" Never mind, I was going to say something stupid."

" It concerns me I have a right to know don't I ? "

" No. It's not my place to inform you about it anyway."

The bus arrives, and the three of them set off to settle in. Joshua looks out but doesn't see Jeonghan and Seungcheol arrive.

" Hao, do you think they'll skip class again  ? " Jun asks, looking at his boyfriend.

" Junnie, do you know what day it is ? " Minghao asks in a soft voice, stroking his lover's hair.

" Oh fuck, that's right. It starts today. "

Joshua having heard this, is easily curious, what's so special about this day ? September 15th. Seems like just another day, though. With this question in mind, the three boys arrive at the school. Jun and Minghao get off first and settle into their usual corners. Joshua, on the other hand, arrives at Chan's side and grabs him, dragging him into a secluded corner where only they can be.

" Shua hyung, what's wrong with you ? Why did you bring me here ? "

"Chan, I need to explain something to you..."

" We agreed to meet at your place yesterday, where were you ? I was at the door for a long time and you weren't answering your messages."

" Sorry a lot of stuff happened and I ended up at Jeonghan's..."

" Excuse me ? In what context ? What happened to land you there."

" It was reality, I get hassled every night and Jeonghan comes to my rescue..."

" It's all very well to dream, Hyung."

Joshua hits him.

" Come with me one night, you'll see..."

" Yes, let's reckon you're right, and we have an appointed savior, who's coming to save me ? "

" You'll see. "

With that last sentence, he winked at her and headed off to class. The day went by rather quickly, as Joshua hadn't been concentrating all day, too disturbed by today. What happens after today ? What exactly is going on ? It's just any old day, so why shouldn't it be for them ? The boy puts his things away and leaves his classroom, still thinking, and now he's about to leave the school, but a hand grabs his arm and stops him, Joshua frowns and turns around.

" Hey. Don't touch me."

" It's me Shua hyung don't worry. You're really on the defensive now. "

" You scared me Chan. I thought it was someone else. "

" Sorry I scared you hyung, that wasn't my aim at all. "

" That's okay Chan, now that I know it's you everything's fine."

" Can I hold your hand or not ? "

" Sure, and now we're off ! Let's not rest here any longer, it's very boring to be here."

Chan simply nods and begins to follow his eldest, his eldest's hand in his, they enjoy doing this, it's a way they're set up to reassure each other. The two friends decide to go to the older boy's house and have some fun with each other there, no doubt watching movies and relaxing as much as possible to forget that exams are approaching.

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