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Joshua pulls himself to his feet with the help of his hands and looks at his destiny.

" What ? I'm really going to end up believing that you want my picture or that you're interested in me. "

" The intensity of your gaze just intrigues me, don't think I have feelings for you. "

" It's because I'm still in vampiric form that my eyes are like that. "

" It's quite beautiful to tell the truth."

" Wow ? Are you paying me a compliment ? I can't believe the nice things that can come out of your mouth. "

" Apparently. "

Joshua smiled wryly and shifted his gaze back to the road, then smacked himself on the back of the head.

" What was that for ? "

" I don't know I felt like it. "

" No but seri- "

A throat clearing sounds...

" Not that we mind your love scene, but we need to give the little ones some answers, don't you think ? " Says Seungcheol.

" Love scene ? Are you serious ? What are you hiding ? You're in love with Chan, aren't you ? " Jeonghan retorts.

" Nonsense ! "

Minghao and Jun barge in again and Minghao smiles, he has the ability to read minds so I might as well tell you that Seungcheol is burned out and this makes Minghao laugh...

" Why are you laughing ? " asks Seungcheol.

" Cheol hyung, you're so easy to read ! "

" How so ! "

" You forgot my ability..."

" Ah ! Hao, my private life..."

" It's okay it's not like it's a secret."

While Minghao and Seungcheol continued to fight. Jeonghan took the opportunity to slide her slender fingers over the younger man's bare arm, the bloody red marks automatically disappearing...

" What ? Why are you touching me like that ? "

" I'm healing you, thank me. "

" How do you do that ? "

" You know we're vampires ? "

" Yes, that, I think I've figured out, thank you ! I'm not dumb. "

" With you one never knows, and we all have abilities, out of the ordinary, called 'power'. "

" What's yours ? "

" Me ? The 'power' of care, I can heal whoever I want, nothing when my fingers pass over the skin of the wounded..."

" Wow, what about the others ? "

" Minghao, read minds and murder whoever they want with his gaze, says murderer's 'power'. Jun, has the ability to see at night, and sneak in wherever he wants, because he can teleport. Said "power", of night vision and teleportation. And Seungcheol, he has a mind superior to all of us, he has a highly-developed intelligence and the ability to kill whoever he wants just by looking at you. Said "power", icy intelligence. Sometimes our abilities work, sometimes they don't, depending on how they're loaded. "

" It's incredible ! And we can have powers too if we become vampire ? "

Jun approaches Joshua, but Jeonghan stops him.

" Jeonghan I'm in need of some fresh blood." Jun says.

" Go suck your vampire and leave my fucking soulmate out of it ! "

" But ! "

" No ! Jun, you know that unfortunately I'm the only one who can transform him, remember that only vampires who have been given a soulmate can be transformed by him."

" Well then, I'll go back to sucking Hao."

Chan and Joshua raise their heads and blink several times, their cheekbones turning a reddish color. They feel embarrassed.

" Humans, I didn't think you were like this ! I thought you were innocent. " says Minghao.

" What ? "

" I'm reading your mind, and you're thinking the same thing : sex ! "

" But he said I'm going back to sucking too ! "

Chan shouted, even redder than he already was, provoking giggles from our vampires.

" Every vampire needs blood to live, you know that ? " begins Seungcheol.

" Hmm."

" What do you think we have to do to take it from our soulmate ? "

" Oh ! "

" Yes, we're obliged, to crunch the tender flesh of his neck, and suck the blood, in other words, to suck his neck..."

" Ah right."

Chan and Joshua feel horribly stupid and are still as red as ever. Seungcheol smiles niaisantly at seeing his soulmate like this, he thinks he's really cute and has the urge to jump on his neck and suck that blood once and for all except he won't budge. He doesn't want to do it without Chan's consent, so he turns to Minghao, who is smiling at him. He tells her gently...

" Cheol-hyung, you're adorable with your soulmate..."

" Stop reading my mind..."

" Let me think, hmm, no."

The two friends laugh and Seungcheol returns his gaze to Chan and smiles as he realizes, he'll do anything to stay with his soulmate even if it means losing his life.

" I wonder when Jeonghan will stop hating Joshua and vice versa. "

" They don't hate each other, they like each other it's just their pride that keeps them from admitting what they really think of each other. "

" Really ? "

" My ability is true."

Minghao winks at his eldest and leaves to Jeonghan's side, patting him on the shoulder before leaving to his boyfriend's side.

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