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Joshua wakes up slowly, his eyes a brownish red and blood trickling down his jaw.

" Um..." Joshua grunts softly.

" Shua ? "

" Jeonghan ? "

" We're dating now ! "

Minghao looked at Jeonghan in bewilderment and hit his head with his palm, while Joshua straightened up and took in Jeonghan's words, nodding.

" Okay... Wait what ?"

" You're my boyfriend now."

" At what point ? You never asked and I never said yes."

" True, but you have no choice, let me show you why."

Jeonghan hands him his pocket mirror, he always has one on him just in case, not to admire himself. To smash it on the floor and take glass from it if need be. Except this time, it's really for Joshua to look at himself, and he did so automatically.

He admired his reddish-brown eyes, his coppery hair, now lightened and with blond tips, he looked absolutely gorgeous.

" Guys gotta go you can discuss your relationship status another time, we've got to go. " Says Minghao.

" Oh darling, you've got your boys back, isn't that sweet..." Said a vampire hunter with a wry smile on his lips.

" Your mother, this bitch..."

" Oh ! You don't insult my mother ! You've already killed..."

" I don't give a damn ! Get us out of here ! "

" I said until I shove my dick up your ass, you're staying right here ! "

Jun looks at Minghao, they understand each other in a single glance. Minghao walks over to the man and holds out his arms...

" Take me then, take me to the seventh heaven~ " Minghao breathes with a suave voice into his assailant's ear.

The man saw nothing coming and grabbed the vampire's wrists, taking advantage of the situation to bite him in the veins.

" Hurry and go ! " Minghao shouts.

" Hao..."

" I'll manage, I promise Jeonghan I'm coming."

Jeonghan grabbed Joshua by the wrist and they fled. Jun stayed with Minghao...

" Well, you'll have to explain. "

" Explain what ? There's no time. "

" Why am I in relationship with you ? Why have I changed so much ? "

" We'll talk about it upstairs, right now we need to find a way to escape."

And yes, because their room is in a dimly lit basement. They move slowly forward and come upon a door, Jeonghan opens it with inordinate care and they see a man, this man looking at them viciously...

" Jeonghan ! Happy to see me again ? " Says the vampire's father.

" You bastard ! Damn, I should've known. "

" Rude, I didn't raise you like that..."

" Ah because you think you raised me by doing your tests on me ?"

" You're a monster ! Jeonghan..."

" Allow me to return the compliment dear father..."

" I should have killed you that day."

The man approaches Jeonghan with a knife in his hand, sliding it along his neck, the vampire swallows.

" Show him how horrible you are..."

" No."

Jeonghan's "father" gives him a monstrous slap that echoes throughout the room. The man wants to make his son react, to show Joshua Jeonghan's wild side, and to do that, he has to get Jeonghan riled up.

" I should have killed you too. "

" Shut up."

" You're no better than her. "

" Don't talk about her. "

" You deserve death like that bitch "

" Stop, stop talking about her ! "

" Go transform yourself."

" Certainly not..."

" Attack me ! You're dying for it. "

" No."

The man pushes Jeonghan, against a wall, the vampire's eyes transforming. He's reaching his limit, sensing who's about to transform and it's not good for him or Joshua.

Jeonghan grabs his assailant's arm and pushes him away. His head hits a piece of furniture, he's bleeding but still alive, but he's powerless because he's losing so much blood.

Jeonghan catches his breath to calm down. All the while, he stares coldly at his progenitor.

" Kill me ! Show me what a monster you are ! " his father shouts.

Jeonghan's eyes glisten, his brain sending him signals to jump on his father and kill him, yet an inner force prevents him from doing so, he turns his head towards Joshua and Joshua shakes his head from side to side, urging him to stay calm, not to do something he'll regret.

Jeonghan slowly calms down, the threats of his father lying helpless on the ground no longer exist, only Joshua's gaze on his person counts, then a door slams...

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